Gray Talk

Had. Had already built an ark by then ;)

Am I the only one not very excited about this? I mean, Very Special/gimmick episodes of TV aren’t usually very good when the shows are on, but doing one from a show that already ended (and so perfectly too, to add) feels not good.

I wonder if it was planned or not. Like is there a pad down there to fall on, or did Adam Scott just hit the deck?

I can’t wait to see Ron perfectly at home in quarantine. I imagine he’s built an Ark by now.

He’s probably hallucinating on shrooms that he’s an adventuring duck with a tail, a turtle with ninja skills and a a blue hedgehog that barrels through things quickly.

My favorite sitcom of all time. Every character on it is my best friend.

Now playing

My grandfather died and I’m FLUSHED WITH CAAAAAASH

Walt must be turning in his cooler.

Apparently Amazon’s profits are up in the last couple of months. (Which makes sense; people are buying things to feel better but can’t leave the house.) But they’re still not providing their workers safety equipment, sterilising warehouses or giving staff enough time to wash their hands. I hope people can start to see

Yeah, so... this statement is incorrect. “No corporation” could afford 6 billion dollars to cover (say) a years’ worth of paid leave for their staff BEFORE deciding to lay them off without income or health insurance in a time of crisis?

$3 million is what they voluntarily gave up. She’s arguing that the $1.5 Billion bonus dividend package due in July is a far more significant piece of the pie.

Which, you know, it is. By both the article’s and your own math, that alone could pay every single hourly worker for three months.

So yeah, while it’s true

Except as noted, a majority of the stock is owned by executives and therefore they receive a majority of the dividends. So that's still executive compensation. 

I really believe that those who are opposed to thinks like socialism, the welfare state, and wealth redistribution need to pay extremely close attention to what’s happening right now. Things are getting worse, and a lot of people are realizing they don’t actually have any skin in the game. And people will eat shit

It is amazing how tone deaf corporations can be regarding actions for the executives and actions against their serfs. But for Disney, this just seems especially loathsome.

Bravo, Abigail. The Roy Disney side of the family has always made waves in often the best of ways. 

What if every furloughed worker got their very own plush Baby Yoda?  

Of all the sad stark mirroring of the events of the story to our lives today, I think the most apt was that all it took for people to finally wake up to something being wrong was the administration harming one white WASP woman.

I can’t remember the last time I watched a scene as emotionally affecting as Bess talking Seldon through his panic on the phone. Recalling it makes my eyes tear up anew. 

I recognize the intent of the book and the show was to focus on domestic events in the US in this dark alternate reality, but this final episode completely glosses over the truly dire global consequences of an isolationist US that appeases the Nazis during a pivotal two-year period of World War II. By November 1942,

It’s amazing how this show has been overlooked so much. It should’ve had the same amount of buzz and acclaim as Chernobyl, but it’s almost like it doesn’t exist.