As much of an MCU fan as I am, I haven’t been particularly interested in the Disney+ shows. But WandaVision looks kind of fascinating.
As much of an MCU fan as I am, I haven’t been particularly interested in the Disney+ shows. But WandaVision looks kind of fascinating.
Like most movies about plausible disasters, it can easily become a horror movie in the right context.
The cast is bananas, and I have little to no memory of any of them. And I saw it in theaters! Matt Damon, Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Marion Cotillard, Lawrence Fishburne, Elliott Gould, Bryan Cranston? The fuck.
SO I first watched Contagion on an overnight flight from Singapore. I had also foolishly swallowed an Ambien in an attempt to get some sleep, and it wasn’t working because nothing can overcome my great anxiety of sleeping in public, but it had fucked me up just enough to make everything take on a sort of hallucinatory…
It's not Gwyneth's fault though, it's the chef that doesn't washes his hands after handling pigs IIRC.
“The patient’s crashing! Get me those Mikuni Wild Harvest White Alba Truffles, STAT!!!”
I liked this movie for being about a devastating plague that isn’t civilization-destroying - like a modern version of the 1918 Flu epidemic. Showing what a massive medical disaster would look like without spilling over into apocalyptic cinema.
The closest, and most contemporaneous, analog I can think of is The Loneliest Planet, which includes a similar incident where, iirc, (SPOILERS FOR A NINE YEAR OLD FILM) the male protagonist uses his girlfriend/fiancee/whatever as a human shield against a gun-wielding stranger, which of course dominates the remainder…
20 years ago “Conan hosting the AARP Awards” would have been a perfect Late Night sketch. Now, oddly enough, it seems like a totally normal thing to do.
I can totally see Ferrell going dark in that way! It’s not the same thing, but Step Brothers is pretty vicious and hilarious about he and Reilly trying to tamp down their terrible instincts and ultimately embracing them. No, the culprits here are surely Faxon and Rash, The Way Way Back is a wretched piece of work.
Force MaGeorge
Lots of Conan content on here. And I’m good with that.
I love Conan’s fake-angry voice. Always makes me laugh.
I assume the AARP awards air at 2PM so they don’t conflict with Jeopardy and the Wheel, and to give their viewers enough time to get to bed before sundown.
I suppose continued bad reviews of this kill any chances of an American remake of The Square with Adam Sandler as the ape man.
Your story in this post is probably more engaging than this remake.
Thank goodness Planters paused this wildly insensitive ad campaign in the wake of Kobe Bryant’s death.
Wasn’t Saved By The Bell a ”barter show?” like Small Wonder, or Out of This World?