Hi Che! Are we going to see this as a bit on Weekend Update now?
Hi Che! Are we going to see this as a bit on Weekend Update now?
“early-onset boomer” is so obvious but I hadn’t heard it before, nice minidunk
Boomers who stay up late think the political content is hard-hitting. At least my parents do.
It baffles me that we’ve entered an era where hurling insults at each other online is not only totally normal behavior for adults but is also considered a valuable use of one’s time. The whole thing is just so petty, narcissistic, and immature.
Do you... Do you think that... “LOL DOGFUCKER” is criticism?
Che seems weirdly thin-skinned, but the last time any kind of creative person (who didn’t, themselves, also work as a critic) had anything useful or interesting to say about criticism was approximately never. No, writing about music isn’t like dancing about architecture, it’s like writing about architecture, a totally…
From the Allison article:
A highly externalized locus of identity and self worth?
Che is such an insecure little baby. Comedians love to play tough guys who tell it like it is but always lose it at the smallest amount of criticism.
I want to believe it’s a guy who knows how an off-handed “Well, what if we just killed him” joke at a DC Comics writer’s summit spun out into the wildly successful Death of Superman event in the 90's, and he has built his entire Don Draper pitch persona around that.
Bill’s increasingly desperate attempts to quit the advertising industry continued to make him ever more successful in it.
God, what I’d give to have sit in on this marketing agency meeting. I want so bad to meet the guy who first said “...what if we killed him?”.
broke: 30 second Super Bowl Commercials
woke: 2 week long ARGs that culminate in a 60 second, $25 million ad where a “beloved” brand mascot comes back with a new coat of CGI paint and a more affordable celeb voiceover
Perhaps now that he is gone, his deep connections to the media will finally allow a full and complete exploration of his connection to the mysterious death of Joe Camel, by way of ‘smoke inhalation’, in the early 90's. Few remember today, but in those days, the fearsome triumvirate of Peanut, Camel, and The Noid…
Jesus christ the tweet was bad enough, but did Planters cut you a check to write this?
this is our world now
What the fuck is happening