Everything about that gag/character walked an incredibly narrow line, verging on being horrifically offensive.
Everything about that gag/character walked an incredibly narrow line, verging on being horrifically offensive.
This. All of this.
Politically she’s the eternal victim; and it’s not hard to understand why she’ll always approach the arena in that manner.
Nobody will give a shit about this in two weeks. This is just a way to get performative Twitter dorks to yell at each other.
Would it kill her to accept an ounce of blame for running a piss-poor campaign and condemning us all to 4-8 years of Trump? Fuck her and the corporate funded jet she flew in on. She’s was and is part of the problem and the best thing she can do to be part of the solution is to go get lost in the woods again.
I don’t think that the movie was very good, or accomplished what it wanted to do. However, there is a large difference between doing blackface, and playing a character who is doing blackface. Any attempt to confuse the two is just dishonest.
“wait...are we the baddies?”
I have my issues with Sanders’s being an independent throughout his career instead of just being a Democrat. But your post is basically nonsense.
I don’t think that is a take, actually – it’s a particularly unappetizing salad of words that don’t belong together.
In the doc, you’re brutally honest on Sanders: “He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.” That assessment still hold?
*Too many centrists blame him.
I don’t necessarily disagree with everything she says but the argument that Sanders and Trump are two sides of the same coin is ridiculous. Also, this seems like pettiness and sour grapes.
Argue what you want about his donning blackface for the movie. His speech to Tug (Ben Stiller) about the Oscars may be the most succinctly accurate analysis of what wins awards ever put to film. For that -- oh, OK, and Tom Cruise dancing -- I will always celebrate “Tropic Thunder.”
The constant erasure of women and poc that support Sanders is really interesting to watch.
Real tough blow for the Sanders campaign that one of the least popular public figures in America might not go out campaigning for him.
I don’t necessarily disagree with everything she says about the 2016 stuff, but her campaign in 2008 wasn’t sweetness and light. Also, discounting Bernie’s present-day supporters is myopic.
Indeed! If the election of the last two presidents has taught me anything it’s that Americans really respond to “Whoa guys, let’s slow down. You realize we can’t really do all this shit, right? Have you ever heard of slow and steady?” Certainly explains why Klobuchar has so persistently polled in *checks notes*…
They did Warren few favors by calling her a radical, though. I was just trying to convince my dad the other day that her ideas weren’t as radical as they seemed, and here’s the fucking NYT undoing all my hard work. I see Warren’s (and Sanders’s) campaigns as sensible, progressive campaigns. Calling them radical scares…
F. You would get an F, and a “See me” note in any class in which you were asked to take a position on something and you chose two that were diametrically opposed. These are the gatekeepers of the most exclusive opinion real estate in American media and this is the bullshit they chose because they wanted to be …