
I’m sorry to the Uber driver for the position I put you in. It is uncharacteristic of me”

THAT exactly has me riled. Why the F* were they shouting that? It’s like they were Getting OFF on it (I absolutely think they were).

This video would be pretty much perfect evidence if not for the moron shouting, “Stop resisting!” — a gift for the police’s lawyers in the courtroom.

For some reason, in my mind, I keep on hearing Morgan Freeman narrate the sexual harassment: “Morgan didn’t realize the way he terrorized women on the set. I don’t know if he wasn’t able to read their reactions or if he just didn’t care.”

They also certainly won’t have their share of visitors anymore.

Milwaukee sure doesn’t mean “the good land” anymore.

So, you’re saying that the U.S. military is lazy, unsophisticated and damages the very brand that made them millions of dollars? They’re the ones who used the platform of the NFL by giving them millions of dollars to jerk off to the flag. Good point.

I hate Barstool and everything they stand for. But PFT doesn’t attract the same meathead audience. I am in the same camp as many other who otherwise would never associate with them.

The issue of whether he should remove himself from or advocate against his employer/sponsor is separate from whether PMT listeners are otherwise engaged with Barstool. I’m a regular pod listener who is not familiar with the company’s other products, and I can’t imagine I’m alone.

Laura, good article, you bring up really solid points and I 100% agree with you.

Wow, really? That’s a genuinely surprising take. I thought it was a goofy stunt, but it also served a legit journalistic purpose, and is being cited in the ongoing lawsuit between the city of Miami and Marlins ownership.

So I see she’s already had some coffee.

I never understood hazing. “Oh, you want to be part of our team? Let us be tremendous assholes to you for a while and then you can join.” I can see, like, making the freshman carry the water or some shit, fine.

Excellent article, although I would have to take issue with this: “The panel was simply tasked with validating the findings of the doctors who had already assessed him. Yet the panel appeared to use an exacting standard to evaluate Andrie’s claim status even though a more generalized one is required by the settlement.”

More like Pooperintendent amirite

If you read the article she talks a lot about how she exercises quite a bit, because she is trying to stay healthy. She’s not saying she’s giving up, or that she’s no longer getting any kind of medical treatment. If she feels ill, she’s still going to the doctor and potentially getting treatment. She’s also not

I told my kids they could each say ONE time during the week, “Come on, Dad, it’s Spring Break,” and then they would get whatever they were begging for. Usually they kept it in their pocket until the last day and they’d get that morning ice cream.

The dreaded Black Guy With Personality syndrome. Must be stamped out immediately.

I honestly believe that if your big takeaway from that video is parsing the precise definition of “chanting” you’re a fucking dope.

I’ll take “That is a purposefully dishonest title that mischaracterized what happened” over “fake news,” which has lost all meaning at this point.