
It’s not about ownership. It’s about historical context and how that shapes the meaning of the words we use. That word coming from the mouth of a white person has an inherently different meaning than it does coming from a black person. That’s what linguists call the connotative meaning of a word; the meaning it

“There’s nobody of any color that should say it. Period.”

I have a problem with how sex work is looked down on...

+1 positive rape kit, taped admission of lack of consent, police photos of the savage bruising, and a massive, on the record, pay out to get her to refuse to testify. The lack of a conviction in no way changes the fact he raped the woman.

Thoughts and prayers, Roy.

As a physician, I wish athletes would stop playing amateur nutritionist (I’m looking at you, Tom Brady and Russell Wilson). I find that portion control and a well-balanced meal, not arbitrary restrictions, are the keys to peak performance.

When you woke up this morning, did you think of yourself as someone who would call the teenaged survivor of a mass shooting a liar on the internet, or are you surprised to learn that about yourself?

Fuck that literal mother fucker

I blame the absence of fathers in the white community. Where is the personal responsibility???

“My name is KIIIIIICKKKKKKKK, KICK ROCKKKKSSS. I love that song too.”

ooh a new style of whataboutism. what about LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE.

She was fucking thrilled, what more do you want? GTFOH with that shit.

Ashley Wagner should stay ready as an alternate.... from the screenshot above, I think they might all drown.

i think the answer is more subtle: gumption. these guys have it. They go out there and they go hard. with the right amount of gumption we’ve been to the moon. Imagine what you could achieve on a football field. This isn’t necessarily that, but getting to the moon was very good. So we will see.

What is this?

Like anyone would want to R her.

The problem with the proposal is that the NFL is literally trying to bribe them to stop protesting. It’s not even an up-front thing, this league that prints money and pays Goodell $40M+ a year to be terrible at his job would only offer to spread it over six years. Offering to spend $15M a year on impoverished

Bradley Whitford is one of the good ones. In fact, he’d have voted for Obama for a third time if possible.

Arrested Development already has a strict “No Touching” policy.

Okay, ask yourself this- is it an island of American citizens?