
Needed to hear this right now, thanks. My husband and I just finalized the decision to move across the country back to his hometown. His dad died 5 years ago, his brother died an alcoholism-related death last year, and his 80-year-old mom has been on her own. It is entirely a family-based/quality of life decision

Thank you ❤

Well mine is a TOTAL downer, but here goes:

I can’t recall if the show ever gave a shout out to Michel Foucault, but one of my all time favorite quotations of his sums this show up beautifully: “I don’t feel that it is necessary to know exactly what I am. The main interest in life and work is to become someone else that you were not in the beginning. If you

I completely dig this as the penultimate episode of the show. The frenzied plotting is over and we have all the answers, except the biggest possible one of “how does it REALLY end”? This is a wise and poetic choice that gives us that sense of bittersweetness that comes with the ending of any good thing juxtaposed with

I think Eleanor can’t do it with out Chidi and vice versa. They’re the Adam and Eve of the New Place

I have been picking up on this too. Even Chidi punching Brent in the face last week, which was treated as a setback, could be seen as progress for someone whose fatal flaw was pathological indecision. Plus Brent totally deserved that punch in the face.

I feel like I've become pretty immune to all the haunted house heebie heebie stories but somehow The Hand got me as well

William H. Macy, not Willem Dafoe (but come to think of it I totally confuse them too)

We were in the same doctoral program but he was a few years ahead of me so we didn’t have much occasion to cross paths. Fast forward a couple of years: my starter marriage is coming apart at the seams and I’ve joined a “writer’s block” group at the university counseling center to try to stay on track with my dissertati

I think it’s also linked to the long history of whites fetishizing & appropriating black culture and feeling wounded when they’re told that’s not ok (and really never was). There’s a perverse desire to feel like you are “in” with the group you are emulating, even to the point of being able to use the same lingo in the

So having all the things = marriage and baby; single and working = struggle bus. Got it.

Not that it matters much because you don’t seem inclined to care, but I hope it’s clear I’m being called racist by white students for calling white supremacy in history for it is: bullshit. 

Even in my super liberal corner of Sothern California I, a white instructor, occasionally get called racist on my evals (or “too PC” to my face) for focusing on race and racial discrimination in my college history courses. My colleagues from different racial backgrounds have it way worse, I’m sure, but notably I don’t

Thank you!

My story isn’t spooky or scary but it’s the closest thing I’ve ever experienced to the supernatural and I’ll never forget it.

This is a good candidate for the best piece I’ve read on Jezebel at all

Too articulate.

We bring our small dog with us in-cabin when we visit my mother-in-law about a 5 hour flight away twice a year. Honestly, although he doesn’t love it, it is ultimately less stressful for him than 1-2 weeks of boarding. Once we deplane his tail is back up immediately and he is his usual happy self. What works for us

My college town. Because we were HS sweethearts and went to the same university after I compromised and went to my safety school rather than taking a leap of faith and going to Berkeley. Because he got into university by following me and getting in good with the orchestra director even though he had shitty grades.