
I am a college professor and this is basically how I feel about my students. I will never see 99% of them again after they graduate but I go out of my way to make them feel like they can genuinely connect with me while they are in my orbit.

I just remember poor Scott Foley (Felicity, Scandal) trying to get some groceries in the frozen food aisle of Trader Joes in West L.A. while everyone was whispering “hey isn’t that that guy from...”

Flashbacks to my mom trying every last trick in the book (except the expensive-ass ones because we were poor) to try to help my autistic brother in the ‘90s. Now she’s gone and my 32-year old brother is …. still severely autistic and living in a Level-IV group home (a good one, thankfully). These people can take a

I know if I watch the clips I’ll get a rage stroke. My brother is severely autistic and has been basically non-verbal his entire life and I would have to be physically restrained from assaulting this woman if she waltzed in trying to give us the warm fuzzies about how much he loves us all and wishes he could reach out.

By all means! Riley is currently accepting pets on all his brown, dark brown, and black spots.

That's just plain wrong. My union is the reason I had health insurance when I started my current job. It made it possible for me to stick with the position until I got full-time status.

Gorgeous! We try to make it out now and then from our place in Long Beach

It is!

Aw, Riley approves

Maybe filmmakers shouldn’t make movies in the immediate aftermath of a parent’s death, especially if it draws on themes related to that death. This guy with Life Itself, David Bowie’s son with Mute. Maybe it has to do with a lack perspective on what is actually good because you are too emotionally raw and invested in

One summer day in the early ‘90s when Kriss Kross’s “Jump, Jump” was popular I decided to wear backwards overalls to YMCA day camp. I am white. So much awkward.

I have a strangely mature high school breakup story. Sophomore year. Steve loved Rachel. Steve dated me to try to forget he loved Rachel. A month into the relationship I was like, uh, you clearly love Rachel and we should break up. 4 months later it is clear Rachel loves Steve as well. I get them in the same room and

My dog would rip the seams on the arm of that thing so fast...

My middle name is also Suzanne and misspelled it all the damn time as a kid! What was so hard to process about the one “Z”?!

Love Stockton too, in that complicated way one loves one’s hometown and which Gerwig captures so well

Grew up in Stockton, lived in Davis, visit friends in Sacramento frequently, and now live in SoCal with all it has to offer and I still think Sacramento’s great. Fantastic food/drinking/coffee scene, green spaces, cultural/historical landmarks, etc. etc. Not sure why it’s getting such a bad rap here.

I JUST sent my first nude photo ever this week at the age of 35, to my partner of 10 years. It was totally consensual, totally my call, and overall a very fun, positive experience. But damn it if there wasn’t still a little “what if” voice going off in the back of my head. I’m not a parent and don’t presume to have

The Southern Poverty Law Center has an excellent report about public symbols of the confederacy and their timing the context of Jim Crow, Civil Rights, etc.: