
You could always separate them though. That’s not new at all.

nice one, real original you dumb bitch lmao

Nobody asked you. Not interested in it? Then scroll on by bud. Stop wasting your time looking at menial shit you don’t care about. It’s really that simple.

No you aren’t, because we live in 2019 and nothing is sacred you ignorant troglodyte. Is that better?

yeah awesome how they steal band’s profits! cool stuff bro!


The face of the man behind White in the header; look at it.

In “crazy driving game” is the best you could do? The game has a name. Learn it.

Still heartbroken about Tony. Nothing beats revisiting his work.

Bitch I didn’t say any of that lmao

Generally I’ve likened the Warriors to the Patriots (and all the hate that comes with that) over the past few years, but last night I softened on them a bit. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t rooting for them in the slightest, but I did feel a little sad for how it all went down for them. They fought hard enough that I

Good to see Danzig’s art is at the same level of garbage it has been for the past 25 years, although this sounds MUCH more pleasing.

I’ve been a Nascar fan my entire life, and I’ve watched every race from all 3 top series for nearly 20 years. I inherited the love of racing from my dad, who used to race stockcars from the 70s until the 90s.

I misread that first sentence as Hill breaking his 3 year-old’s arm because THE KID threatened his fiance.

My mom wanted to see Endgame so I caught her up with a few. She’d already seen 1 or 2 Iron Mans, Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther, we watched Infinity War on Netflix, then went and saw Captain Marvel.

Damn they treated their players truly AAFul.

Uh... like fucking hell they did.


About god damn time you slacker.