Well, yeah, but they can’t unless they acknowledge the bomb threats and other bullshit anti-semitism is an actual problem, so...win?
Well, yeah, but they can’t unless they acknowledge the bomb threats and other bullshit anti-semitism is an actual problem, so...win?
That Soros guy must be lurking about somewhere, handing out $100 bills...
Here in the land of Oregon, where changing lanes is considered reckless driving (I’ve got voicemail complaints by the dozen to prove this viewpoint) this newfangled tech approach is oddly resisted by the common commuter pleebian.
So they’ve like quadrupled grip overall but because it’s been more on the aero side it’s unmanagable. Remind me, what does this guy get paid for again?
Ok so the real conversation is about how every year there’s a chorus of drivers complaining about how hard it is to pass. To rememdy this situation they redesigned the cars - remember those stupid-high wings? Remember DRS? Remember KERS? Every single one of these systems was some half-assed attempt at making passing…
FFS there are enough negative pricks bitching about evey little goddamned thing in F1 - can you just try to find a reason to watch?
Forgive me for calling you an idiot, but “it could lead to very disastrous consequences—like hitting something other than the warhead it is supposed to strike.” is a fucking stupid conclusion.
‘Some of the best’ eh?
“Here’s a drink that tastes like _______ spooged in _______ and then got mixed with battery acid. It’ll, errrr, make you way cooler and make riding your bike through the park feel like you’re blasting a downhill Xgames run!”
While it seems unlikely that any channel outright encourages fans to do their worst against competitors
Maybe 3 million ‘illegal’ votes were cast for Clinton.
Have we seen his birth certificate yet?
Remember that some of that outline is almost defintely made up of adult diapers.
The Mazda 323 in my avatar picture had over 350,000 miles on the odo when I finally let go of it, and the clutch had started slipping around the 200k mark. Since I was a full-time delivery professional, I didn’t have the time or $$ to swap that toasted pancake out, and had to make due with rev matching for most of my…
I’ve already got a folder on my hard drive for the 1080p .mkv file.
ehh, checked bags are the ones that go in the bottom of the plane, right?
“The following list are the items that look like part of an explosive device and could trigger a TSA search:
So, one really wonders how far these guys went - it looks like they’re actually building a mid-engined car from a few of those shots.
Turns out ‘Donald Trumps Hairpiece’ is probably the smartest thing in his whole world right now...
Any response besides’Fuck this dude’ gives him more credit than he deserves.
fuck they couldn’t even spare a single zip-tie to keep it in place. That’s the kind of lazy you expect from someone who really doesn’t appreciate their car much.