
Turkey Fucks Chicken

I’ve been reading Deadspin for a long time (longer than I care to admit) but never commented before. I just wanted to say thanks for this article.

Unfortunately, that zeal quickly faded over the weekend. The Week first reported on Monday evening that Democratic leaders in the state Senate agreed to drop two bills for the return of their dissenting colleagues—Senate Bill 978, which would have, among other things, set penalties for gun owners that failed to

How can reusing bread possibly be in line with health codes?!

Now, I would love that but not at the expense of lugging around an actual brick in my purse. [...] For now, us regular folks are perfectly fine settling for an extra charger or external battery.

Walk around it in traffic or walk around it by trying to take your bike through the tightly packed cars onto the sidewalk and piss off the pedestrians?

I would be on their side a LOT more if not for the fact they continually park in bike lanes for long periods of time. It IS stressful, no doubt about that, but they are also tremendous dickheads.

Now if I could just convince every single Mexican restaurant that I really do mean I don’t want a lime in my Vienna lager...

The sad thing is that you could present overwhelming evidence of all these things - but the cult mentality that consumes his idiot minions will still find ways to move the goalposts, gaslight everyone and divert with false claims about everything from a deep state to facts aren’t facts. The “President” is a garbage

Ok, two things. One, the article you reference specifically cites one of the points I’ve made, which is that non-health costs could indeed go up versus currently because Medicare would be covering a wider variety of procedures than it currently does.

The constantly changing posts annoy the shit out of me. It’s impossible to find the same post twice unless you bookmark it. If you didn’t, whelp, sucks to be you.

ALL the people exist outside your door, in real life, all the time. I guarantee you’ll live just fine without 9/10 of those ‘friends’ liking your tired-ass memes.”

I unfollowed everyone but kept my account active, just so I can check in every once in a while. Whenever I check someone’s profile, they are invariably just as annoying as they ever were. Seeing someone post “Friday night, let’s do this!” makes me wonder why I was ever interested in Facebook in the first place.

Killed by Republicans, I’m guessing. 

If you are willing to drive up to the DC area, Amtrak has a train that will take you and your car to Florida.

20 year ASE Master L1, here. Subaru is concerned about silicone closing oil feeds in the cylinder heads during the torquing of the cylinder head top half (they have a sort of girdle). If the bead is improperly placed, the bead will squish into the feeds. Alternatively, leftover rtv may end up in the oil grooves of the

There’s only one of them.  It doesn’t come in any other anything.

I cannot stress enough that this was only money

Sure there is.  If he hadn’t defeated the safety features the car is supposed to fucking stop.