
$25 will get you a battery, pedistal and charger for BHO/wax here in Portland at any head shop you cruise by. Since there’s usually a dispensary on the same block, you can get everything you need in twenty minutes for less than $70 total. I remember a time when people were selling ‘Colorado’ nugs in the midwest and


Yes, blame the local sales guys for the marketing bullshit from a huge international conglomerate pushing interest-generating financing for any mouthbreather dumb enough to sing the line.

Hey, dipshit, that’s not an AMC Harley is it? One assumes yours has got the 1200 at least...

One of the other delivery drivers in my office says that his van ‘runs fine’ and ‘stops good’. Which I found unsettling because, once behind the wheel of said van, I realized the steering column moves like a quarter-operated motel room bed under braking (warped rotors much bro?).

straight to crack pipe, reading anything about a Blazer is the biggest waste of time I’ve seen all year on this here internet.

Oh, no, YOUR lapdog isn’t a dangerous distraction to driving...But my speeding IS THE FUCKING WORST, right?

Came here to say something similar, like I did last time they sent this POS up for a special.

Came here to say something similar, like I did last time they sent this POS up for a special.

I highly reccommend watching the Dinghy Derby clips, they’re pretty entertaining.

Slim to none? Did they require MATH in the charter stone-age school you went to? You’re a complete fucking idiot, and I sincerely hope you find out how ‘slim to none’ looks like while staring down the barrel of a loaded gun. This seems the only possible way for assholes like you to get any sympathy or empathy for

Video games. It’s video the video games. Now, pardon me, I’ve got some carjacking to do.

SIR Jackie Stewart.

There’s a difference between late-yellow runners and actual-factual red-light runners. For a start, at least the late-yellow runner KNOWS they’re running it, and is paying enough attention to gtf outta the way.

Blindingly. So....with your eyes closed?

This reaction logically and always leads to you, sitting at a green light, waiting for the ENTIRE green light because you never know just how late or distracted the other driver might be.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Paula with the cure for cancer!

You are spectacularly ignorant of the current status of Social Security. It’s not even funny as a joke. This shit is seriously in danger of being removed from our lexicon as a society if these douchebags follow through with plans they’ve had for decades.

“we have to stop this” said one

From the end-user/viewer point of view, youtube is terrible at delivering new content despite the tens or hundreds of billions of views and years of viewing habits to help. Personally, I’ve been getting the same ‘suggested content’ channels and crap for months now, not matter how many times I tell youtube I’m NOT