
You’re working under the assumption that literally all of your tax dollars are wasted, which is total bullshit to begin with, so why don’t you just STFU and go drive around on roads or federal highways built with those precious ‘wasted’ tax dollars mm k?

Where’s Doug when you need him for some legal advice?

Isn’t the top one just a fully loaded woody? The PT Cruiser was like a Veyron (no really stop laughing) because they made a million different themed versions. No real changes, just color palettes and MOPAR accessories.

This one had an extra roll cage installed that doesn’t appear to be ‘standard; equipment in any of the other images I can find (or the Koenisigsigsigigig website, where it’s not listed as optional or standard equipment). Would seem to be a special modification.

Good thing they added that extra roll cage. That looks pretty rough, and that’s not a slow section given this car’s potential.

...because someone wearing comfortable clothing for a long flight is automatically a dirty slob by default? Your logic is amazing.


TBH, conservatives do some of the best trolling, intentional or not. I’m thinking this guy saw the chance of a lifetime, and just couldn’t resist. And like all good trolls, they’re staying anonymous.



No amount of dainty Graverobber prose could make this disaster right.

Old here. Back in my day - 1990 ushered in my teen years - I had a hard curfew. Bedtime, lights out, put that book away (a book is a stack of paper with words written on it) and turn the TV off before the local 10pm news was over.


Just goes to show - you can take the redneck outta the south, but you can’t take the red outta his neck. No, it doesn’t make sense, except when you see our idiot friend here on video someplace other than the deep south.

We’ve already seen what happens when you take off BoP actions and just let manufacturers run wild with whatever they’re working on. Group C rally comes to mind - sure they were running under some restrictions but look at the result. Same for Can-Am and all our favorite series from the late 80's and early 90's.

Somewhere, a wall is standing. It’s got a flat surface, and a fresh coat of paint. It’s never been hit by a car. Somewhere, Crashtor’s tingly bits are starting to respond to the call of the unblemished track wall...

See, you’ve dissed the impact Montreal reports - every year, for some time now - and used some BS from the COTA F1 race,as if they’re even remotely the same. Remembering that in Austin they’ve got a pretty large football game going on at the same time.

pfffft F1 fans are rare here at blackflag...

A big thumbs up to the driver who thought to warn these gentlemen that their trailer was on fire by honking as they drove by.

Hey, maybe you could post these, I don’t know, before the events, instead of after - especially if you’re trying to convince people they NEED to go.