
THANK YOU! This is perfect proof that poor folks get screwed. Just because you cannot make a lump-sum payment that may be more than half your monthly income (remember, we’re talking about being poor here, not how awesome your income is), they charge you to make monthly payments.

And this is why I watc SKY for F1 and not, say, the bloaviated, aging ‘panelists’ that comprise the NBC F1 effort.

Uhhh.. World SuperBike, and not Supersport?

Homemade clown car?

“MA! I’m off to clown school!”
“Honey, your dad has a present for you in the garage!”

You’re one of those dude, eh?

A pair of jeans would have done more, honestly. It takes years of riding to actually master the things you learn in a good MSF course. You literally have to practice emergency braking dozens of times before it becomes instinctual.

heh, I just talked to a buddy of mine setting up the only (currently) licensed outdoor off-the-grid ‘organic’ grow pharm here in Oregon, he’s telling me the bulk/wholesale will probably fall right into that price range from established/certified growers on the legal market. Between $2k - $3k. And the only way growers

Now playing

Are you down with OPP? This car is from the same year - look:

How many years in a row did Audi win?

Uh, hey guys....are Vipers supposed to rattle?

Hey, kid, recess is over. Better get back inside or your teacher might make you sit in the corner for being a stupid little shit. ;D

My first car was a 1981 Buick SkyHawk. I was HS-aged owner number 4 on that particular VIN. I killed, and several cars since...

Ugh. No.

BOY I just cannot wait to play this game.

CORRECTION: The cover wrecked Button’s front wing.

Sorry, bub, gonna disagree there. I drove one of these exact models - same year and everything - once upon a time, from Iowa City to Chicago regularly, and it was a decent highway cruiser. That 6th gear was great for cruising as long as you kept it in the sweet spot (usually well over the speed limit).

YES! NP all day, put it in my driveway now. Right now.

Can humans and Pugs mate?

For what it’s worth, I owe you a dollar.

OK, so....sad CP because the seller is reaching for those golden hoops I’ve heard about.