
Well, I mean RPS slams pretty much everything recently. I almost get the the feeling they do it on purpose for those tasty clicks. Also the author complains about the horribly familiar setting? Its Mass Effect what else was he expecting?

I’m probaply one of the lucky few, but I have to say that something like that never happend to me, my friends or any other person I personally spoke with.

Reminds me of those ME3 multiplayer events, always loved that stuff.

I can’t be the only that thinks this sounds realy bad, right?

I generaly agree with you, I just dont think eSport is as bad as you make it out to be. Chess for example, is also considered a sport.

Whats the difference?

Man those poor pro players. I’m sure that all the Twitch sponsorchips, ads, donations and youtube views are barely enough to buy them bread on theyr table.

Man thats a realy high horse your riding there. Be carefull or you’ll fall off one day.

You know there is actually a mission 51 but the chance of finding it is realy small.

Wait only 40 bucks for the big ships? Again I need to ask myself why I still buy 40k ...

I would say it’s more of an inventory management sim.

I know what your talking about, I always feel like it sounds a bit sarcastic when someone types it after a brutal defeat. Thats why I mostly save the gg and only say wp. Because realy, when you just got your ass handed to you, it wasnt a good game and you know it. That doesnt mean that you played bad, the other team

Good thing that we dont have to worry about that for long. The chaos god Matt Ward is bringing the endtimes upon 40k and none will be save.

The emperor protects.

People complain about Dota and HotS just as much. Afterall we complain because we care.

Ah yes thats why I helped her, I thought the outcome of the quest would be “interesting”.

Its funny how, depending on the article, Valve is either a money whoring demons that hates and/or doesnt care about its community or is the saviour of games and every other developer, especialy Riot, should take notes on how to support a community from them.

Yeah I mean look at Corvo from the new Dishonored trailer, god damn hes sexy.

Man everybody has a fetisch, dont judge them.

Ah JRPG’s I never realy played through any of them, I mean I dipped in and out of a couple FF games and some others but thats probaply about it. I’m looking forward to the next Persona game though, since it looks like a freaking anime and I recently got into watching those.