The real hardest mission was the sewers escort mission by the three goons that needed a two minute comedy routine before doing anything. Oh also if you use your hoverboard to go faster than them they glitch out hostile and start shooting YOU
The real hardest mission was the sewers escort mission by the three goons that needed a two minute comedy routine before doing anything. Oh also if you use your hoverboard to go faster than them they glitch out hostile and start shooting YOU
I’m glad I backed this game. I’ve played the numerous alpha builds and saw its potential, and the devs, as expected, delivered as they received the feedback from us.
I was initially very interested in Darksiders: Wrath Of War when it was first announced.
Then the dropped “Wrath Of War” from the title.
Then I found out that a game all about the Four Horsemen couldn’t even get the fucking Horsemen right.
I instantly stopped caring about playing the game.
The character design for Death…
it’s been a while since I saw someone get prankt this hard
I won’t call you an idiot, unless you’re not capable of learning from this mistake and instead double down on it. Which is what this is coming off as doing, honestly.
True enough, perhaps i should not worry. It took time for the first mass effect to get interesting too, at least that was what my friends at the time complained about. I had no such issues with the game myself, oh well, hopefully the game is great.
Articles that make you watch the video to find out what the article is about? Go fuck yourself.
I really want to like this game, but I’ve barely been able to play at all. It takes me forever to get in a match, and EVERY SINGLE MATCH I’ve been in, shuts down 5 minutes in because someone left. Not even every now and than, every match I’ve been in. I haven’t been able to finish a full online match since the Beta.
That’s kind of why I put them up as these are comments he made only last year.
Me too. I had a blast with ME3 multiplayer, and was very happy with how well they supported it. I’d like to see what they can come up with next.
Is anyone else having a hard time telling the which one is cosplay while on mobile?
You’re four years old, maybe five. Your parents got one of those Nintendos that everyone’s been raving about, along…
Yes the fact that rimworlds sexuality system isn’t amazingly realistic is clearly the worst implication in a game about harvesting tribesmen’s livers to sell to space pirates.
IDK I only see curators I follow what’s the problem exactly?
My reaction when Tenchu was mentioned
Sept: Nothing. Oct: Nothing. Nov: DISHONORED 2!!!!! Dec: Nothing.
I’m interested in Titanfall, Watch Dogs, Gravity Rush, and Mafia....but they will all take a backseat to Dishonored.
Oh no. No no no no. At least ME3 multiplayer was fun, but still... don’t say it ever again, even if it’s a joke. Please.
“This is the truth behind YouTube. We’re all depressed. Why would anyone want to become a YouTuber? For the fame? For the money? For the mom yelling at you? Look at me. Look at where I am. Look at my shitty content. Was it worth it? I don’t know. I’ve gotten so many views, but at the same time, I’m PewDiePie. You…
Telltale logic is more
Don’t talk crap about Uluru !