
Not at all. It’s well known that the only reason Bill didn’t stay in Arkansas having a good time is because Hillary pushed him to higher office.

You’re walking it back now, because ‘Benifited from’ was not at all your initial statement.

Have you ever heard of

Again, go watch the race and aftermath- a good chunk of the race itself was dedicated to his glory and then the entire aftermath of her WR destroying performance- that NEVER, EVER EVER happens to a man to this degree. NEVER, and I’ve been watching swimming for over 40 years.

Exactly. Nothing wrong with mentioning the coach or parents, but the athlete herself should be the focus of the broadcast.

You probably didn’t see the footage. It wasn’t one comment. They talked about him over the entirety of the race, often focusing the camera on him and then repeated at least five times that it was all due to him when the race finished. They went into a lot of detail about how a woman (who was already an Olympic

Yeah, I remember Michael Phelps’ coach getting all the credit for his medals. Oh, wait...

That's not what's happening here.

My father was like that and guess what, now I (woman) am too!! I try, but I slip up sometimes w/the kids. Anger definitely gets passed on.

Does this remind anyone else of the pictures of Bill Clinton that graced newspaper front pages under the headlines announcing the country’s first woman presidential nominee by a major party?

Am I the only person in the world who has never used Uber?

I’m not blind to color. Orange is my least favorite color and it clashes with my most favorite color which is not being an asswipe.

Every time I remember my abortion, I get furious.

“Christy was toxic for the family. She was mentally unstable.”

She is a tall, statuesque woman who can probably pull off all kinds of things someone more petite can't. And with that amazing skin tone and her crazy funny personality? You'd think designers would be jumping to offer up something out-of-the-box for her.


“But on the other, it’s a direct reflection on society’s crybaby political correctness.”

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