
People are prejudiced. All people. It’s a part of human nature that we predict future outcomes based on past knowledge, including when that knowledge is flawed. We judge people within seconds of laying eyes on them based on everything from skin color to the condition of their shoes. We judge their economic class,

If it weren’t for racist old westerns, we wouldn’t have Blazing Saddles, and then my masturbatory fantasies would be completely devoid of Cleavon Little in a buckskin suit. Which would be tragic.

im going to create a gun that vibrates and doesnt shoot and make so much money

yup. the ptsd triggers part mad eme laugh. I am 100000% for women who feel uncomfortable in the work place for valid reasons, and this may not be the whole story, so I don’t want to say she sucks, but if this is the only incident, or this is how it usually plays out, this woman strikes me as the mom at the PTA who

If I was a gamer, or I spent more time with my laptop on a desk than out in the world, or you really needed a support-contract backed install of Windows for business purposes, then sure. For me? No way.

this is the day each year where people suddenly realize that they are violently outside of the target demographic

If Douglas knew that forced sexual contact was going on at his show and didn’t stop it, he’s not a prince and didn’t treat women well at all, even if he didn’t personally carry out any of the attacks on women employees.

I could be wrong, but I would bet that the judge would have treated this case more seriously if the woman he abducted had been a stranger rather then his ex-wife.

Most people go through a period, either in high school or college, where they (i) read The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged; (ii) mistakenly assume that they themselves are the Howard Roark/John Galt characters in their worlds; and (iii) act like self-righteous assholes for a while. Then they grow up, recognize the


The variance in those bulges begs a closer inspection and I am the woman for that job

I don’t usually go in on troll bait but I gotta ask: what the hell is/are “Demarcates”?

The right to be believed doesn’t dictate personal behavior. It’s a standard for police investigation and public reporting - the idea that any alleged rape is likely true and should be investigated and the victim supported. It doesn’t mean that a woman must believe the word of a stranger over that of her husband and

Juanita’s description of Hillary’s behavior read to me like a wife talking to a mistress. I got an I-know-you’re-fucking-my-husband vibe, personally.

One assumes when Hillary Clinton says that sexual assault victims have a right to be believed, she means by the authorities etc. when they report. Because a lot of women have a hellish time with the police and whatnot placing the burden of proof on sexual assault victims and re-victimizing them. And I also agree with

It’s puzzling that so many people are angrier at Hillary than at the man actually accused of rape. And that includes the alleged victim.

Yup. And everyone seems to be angrier at Hillary for all of this than the man actually accused of rape. Until that stops being the case, I refuse to let the alleged actions of Hillary’s husband impact my opinion of her as a candidate. And she is still by far the best candidate in this election.

I’m skeptical because she seems angrier at Hillary than at the man who allegedly raped her and that shit doesn’t sit well with me. I’m skeptical because she has contradicted herself so many times, and seems to only come out of the woodwork when Hillary is running for something. I’m skeptical because she doesn’t seem

I’m not saying I believe either party here, but I would like to point out that there’s a difference between beeing a cheater and shitty husband and a rapist. And being a serious philanderer doesn’t automatically turn you into a rapist. So why would Hillary - or any woman - blindly believe another woman making that

Surprising, a climate change denier who has reading comprehension problems. Couldn’t make it to the end huh? Here I’ll repost it.