
I read a stat once that men will apply if they have 75% of the qualifications/requirements but a woman only if she had upwards of 90 to 95%. I think drawing attention to that is one of the few good things to come out of Lean In. I was very fortunate with my last job because the hiring manger’s boss knew me and they

Amy Schumer being lusted after is so unbelievable. I prefer my rom-coms to be totally legit, like when Kevin James and Leslie Bibb get together, or Adam Sandler and Kate Beckinsale. You know, a nice out of shape forty-something guy meets a 20-something supermodel who throws herself at him in the final scene.

It’s like Christopher Walken’s heavier, not-as-lucky brother who watches a lot of TV.

Congress’ Christmas present to the U.S. - fucking cooperating for a change.

UGH THESE PEOPLE. I actually had adverse reactions to several vaccines (allergy to an antibiotic in the MMR and flu shots which led to some very serious complications when I got a flu shot without checking first, and a weird temporary arm paralysis from guardasil that my doc couldn’t explain). I also know enough basic

Great article, deserves a million stars.

You know what would have been even sweeter? If he didn’t assume that if the hospital bracelets should match, they should all bear HIS name.

I kept my name because it’s my name. Some would argue it’s my father’s name, but name keeping has to start somewhere. Maybe people should take half of each name and create a new name. Then the kids would have one name. It’s offensive that women are expected to give up their identity when they get married. It’s dark

My paternal aunt addressed a Christmas card to Mrs. Spike McDuff this week, and I was ticked. My name is Azura Bronwyn, always has been, even after I married 2 years ago. One who has known me my entire life has to do literally nothing new to correctly address me. And yet, I lose my identity and become an extension of

We just gave them my husband’s last name. Tradition was easiest there. Again, primary motivation for me = laziness. Hyphens are annoying, and I didn’t really care about passing on my last name.

this. i was going to, i was, and then i realized it would require a tiny bit of effort and i changed my mind.

I pretty much didn’t change my name after my marriage out of laziness, but I lied to my husband and said I Felt Strongly About The Patriarchy And My Name is My Name.

If you’re enough of a dork to buy the big puzzle books at the drugstore/grocery store (which I am, SHHHHH), they often have a few and usually title them “CrossSums” or something.

I ADORE it. I keep clicking “Play Hard Level” until I get a sufficiently dense 14x14 grid. :\

While that picture makes me have horrible Cal-based Physics flashbacks...

Ted Cruz is the kind of guy that would beg you to fuck him, call you a slut to all his friends after you did and then beg you for more a week later.

this one is confusing b/c he’s arguably the most handsome Would U candidate and i pretty much say yes to everyone b/c i’m desperate.

I don’t think you're understanding the trauma a bad freshman roommate can inflict.

I don’t know, he’s had to see Cruz’s name all over the news this whole time. I have a particularly vile former roommate that after a few years of hate I’ve graduated to a semi-zen “I wish her well, and far away” POV, but if she had a political following constantly Tweeting about how she was the smartest person in the

I’m not surprised either. I don’t work out at all, so I will probably like this after giving birth. Only 6 months to go...