
These discussions are always so focused on ourselves. Pregnancy by definition involves multiple people (a partner in reproduction who also consents to becoming a parent, a future child). Creating a whole new human being shouldn’t be a matter of “whoops”, and there’s no reason to be nostalgic about a time when it more

Ha, not me. Looks too much like your standard-issue douchy frat bro, and has an unimpressively average body and penis.

I get why women would be attracted to that, to a degree. I can’t see too many guys who actually have a preference in male actors seeing him as anything other than “The average penis that could did


this is the only one

Riff Raff? That’s not Riff Raff! Who is this impostor??

Let’s not assume a guy is gay because he doesn’t want to have sex with a beautiful woman. Not every straight dude is going to be attracted to her. And maybe he wants to but his religious convictions are stronger.

Um, yeah. “Willpower”.

I think he doesn’t want it at the level that is common for his age. It's easy to make a virtue of indifference to sex.

10/10 would bang. Like a screen door in a hurricane.

A woman that was in a marriage openly talking about a relationship outside of that. Acknowledging she didn’t know who the father was. Discussing that and abortion with her husband. Husband supporting that decision.

She was also the first major platform for Jenny McCarthy’s bullshit. Oprah shouldn’t be trusted to handle safety scissors.

I’d say I’ve been over Oprah for a good 15 years now, if not longer. Right about when she started taking herself so damn seriously.

Oprah gave us Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, and Depak Chopra.

Oprah’s kinda like a sing song carnival barker with a super loyal fanbase. Most everything she does is likely to be super calculated and profit motivated.

There are some good arguments for woman-focused campaigns (increased ease for the too-busy moms/women with intense jobs or for older women (my mom and aunts) who maybe that aren’t super technologically savvy), and he goes with “girls don’t know what to listen to when they’re talking about boys”? All I do is sit around

The terrific book his wife Vicki wrote saved my sanity after my first baby (The Girlfriend’s Guide to Surviving the First Year). They had four of five kids.

I’ve sometimes found it difficult to find music I like, but just finding music in general? Shockingly easy. It’s almost as if music is completely integrated into advertising, television, film, and phone apps. “Pandora” ain’t named after a man.

Truth. You cannot trust a post-anal fart for at least 24 hours.

Sidenote, let’s all take a moment to look at/fully appreciate the smirk on the face of that purple-haired girl just behind Future President Trump.