
I’m so glad he’s back. I always thought that indecent exposure arrest was bullshit, it seemed like a victimless crime since it was at an adult theater anyway. Its not like approximately every dude that went into that theater didn’t... he was just the non-hypermasculine famous dude that apparently needed a bringing

Lots of people have to pay dearly for their stupid juvenile screw ups. She didn’t, other than whatever guilt she carries with her. That was sheer luck, if everyone involved had been destitute/not white, or in a different state, there would have been consequences that did not lead to living in the white house or

I agree with much of what you’re saying, but I stand by the whole “people are tired” thing. Some of the tired is just mental exhaustion that gets mollified by the garbage entertainment available from so many directions these days. Fear, and its subordinates, hate & loathing, is a better motivator than mere “doing

This is all true, however I don’t think it is laziness or disinterest. People are tired. Concurrently over the last 40 years, more families are supported by both parents working more hours, parenting has become a high-touch time quagmire with few people even making more money. It’s no surprise the conservatives have

President Trump appreciates your support.

Well, he’s making that mistake where if you’re super good at one thing, it probably translates to other things. Stick to your knitting, Neil, we love you there.

Right! Now that they’ve got their personal issues dealt with, I would really appreciate it if they’d get back to the story. Please.

White girl here, also voting for Hillary (unless Bernie actually gets the nomination). I am so tired of my friends running her down like Bernie is the second coming. Hillary really does seem to be the only adult in the room at the moment, and while she’s got some baggage, any one who actually does anything big in life

I feel you. Yoga pants are easy to find at my Target, otherwise it would be sweats. It was Silver with blue chevron strips on the sleeves and body. So dorky, but I loved it.

When looking in the mirror after a shower, I gotta remind myself that you can’t coax a St. Bernard to look like a Chihuahua, regardless of how much you make the poor thing diet and exercise. Yet, they are the same species, and perfectly healthy specimens of themselves. I am built for comfort, not speed. I can thank

Me too! I saved up and finally got one on the clearance rack eventually, and wore it well past it’s expiration date. The picture gave me a wave of nostalgia, I wish I cared that much about a single piece of clothing now. I can’t be bothered to think past yoga pants and a not-stained t-shirt these days.

Also, FEWER schools are teaching grammar. Admittedly less important, but still fucking irritating.

FYI; the head of the science teachers at my son’s high school was recently fired for espousing “men are smarter than women: true fact” AGAIN in classes. This shit is still happening. In upper middle class southern California. Just saying.

I just want to know, what kind of dumb shits work at companies that develop this kind of thing and don’t give a second’s thought to what is going to happen to their product in the end? Are manufacturers and chemists or whomever is responsible for generating and following through with these ideas actually living on a

You just made me laugh out loud, thanks for that.

Hmmm, I’m from a planned tract of factory housing built in the 50’s with slab floor heating—in most homes it is still working, too. Marble sounds like the only extravagance here, and suing to get it fixed seems reasonable.

Please, don’t disparage tardigrades this way.


I’m with you. I don’t think it means you’re sensitive or nutty, I also hate getting stuff addressed to Mr & Mrs His First and Last Name. It’s not the 50’s, I’m not property, I’m an actual person with a name, this is a stupid outdated social convention for lazy people and passive aggressive mother-in-laws who wish

Our kids got his last name, with my family names in the mix as middles. I worked at their school, so I let everyone call me Mrs. HisName to reduce confusion, but paychecks were written to MY name.