
Singer, who directed four X-Men movies, will not be returning...

Let’s not forget: Fuck Hillary Clinton for being such a terrible candidate and odious personality with the worst political instincts since Walter Mondale, making Trump a viable choice for millions of people.

There is no criteria. It’s just a random fucking collection of random tweets with a click-baity article title.

Okay, Sophie, who the fuck hired you? I think we all deserve to know the name of the dipshit who allows you to put up “articles” like these.

When I looked up at the bar and saw Gizmodo I was seriously confused.

Nobody treated anyone like an object until you declared them one. Bad tweet? Yeah, sure, whatever. Sexist and/or objectifying? Seriously? No. Get the fuck over it. It’s not objectifying, it’s not sexist, it’s not offensive. At worst it’s dumb.

Its not objectifying anything. No more than anyone who’s ever played marry, sex, kill, MASH, or any other stupid hypothetical. No one is actually offering up these women as things for you to choose. And as far as someones worth changing based upon what item they are holding? Bad read, imo. Someone’s

What’s the point of this article? Plenty of these are perfectly fine comments to make about an insane election. Some of them are stupid, sure, but a bunch aren’t. What’s the criteria for being a “bad” tweet?

teensy? I’d say this is a few steps past teensy. This is borderline absolutely insane.

So I guess “bad” now just means mediocre and utterly unremarkable, huh?

I read the Tweet and didn’t even understand what was offensive until I read the commentary.

Wow you people really are a bunch of fucking babies. Its not offensive. Get over it.

Yelling fire in a crowded theater is not protected speech, and neither is libel or slander.

Actually, much more banal than I would have thought. My favorite:

Who would have thought that our wedding anniversary would happen to be Election Day! 

It would be a fitting end to this election if Eric Trump’s vote was invalidated because of a social media post.

Like father, like son, I guess.

guaranteed income from people who don’t really care. of the 89 million “subscribers”, there is a large amount that are paying for ESPN and don’t want it just because it’s part of their package. if you allow everyone to opt-out and go al a carte, ESPN and others will have to figure out how to recover that income. they

Sitting in work actually muttering to myself, “Go, motherf*cker. GO!”

Also, if I’m the one with the full cart, and you have just one item, I will probably let you go ahead of me.