
You get to keep what was sent to you, in your name, and not if it’s addressed to someone else.

(sigh)...look I get you’re upset with the results but for starters they haven’t even finished COUNTING the popular votes! Secondly, as it stands the diffenece is approx. 200k...out of 1.2 BILLION!

Well, that’s why we have the whole republic thing so that there isn’t the opportunity to have tryanny from the majority. Even if I don’t agree with the outcome.

And yet, people still seem to think that winning the popular vote actually means something.

Sadly, that’s not how the President race works.

China agrees with you

You’ve done a great job here pointing out a phenomenon known as “point-and-laugh liberalism.” Maybe if the Democrats adopted the a policy of unconditional respect, one that was advocated by... what’s his name.... the old white guy from Vermont, we wouldn’t be staring at this goddamn travesty. These people are

Let’s not forget: Fuck Hillary Clinton for being such a terrible candidate and odious personality with the worst political instincts since Walter Mondale, making Trump a viable choice for millions of people.

guaranteed income from people who don’t really care. of the 89 million “subscribers”, there is a large amount that are paying for ESPN and don’t want it just because it’s part of their package. if you allow everyone to opt-out and go al a carte, ESPN and others will have to figure out how to recover that income. they

Sitting in work actually muttering to myself, “Go, motherf*cker. GO!”

Also, if I’m the one with the full cart, and you have just one item, I will probably let you go ahead of me.

This is a man who knows there is never a reason to put down a drink. I mean, why would you?

This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.

You are 100% right that someone who is wasted or passed out cannot give consent... except that Rose is arguing that she was awake, aware, and sober the entire time. You can think he is lying, but the story he told is one of consent - for anyone other than those who do want the signed contracts.

A less successful effort.

ok, i’m trying it, currently on 6/13.

In the coral
The mighty coral
The lionfish dies tonight

Pfft. When I was a kid our parents would leave us in the car plenty of times. Back then, we were old enough to know when to crank down them windows. I’ll hobble out now with my cane...

Forget the kids thing. The thought of getting into a nice, cool, 68 degree car after leaving it baking in the work parking lot all day is enough to sell me!