
Nah, that’s the new insult these alt-whatever types are using now. It, somehow, establishes their dominance over anyone who isn’t a complete asshole.

You get to keep what was sent to you, in your name, and not if it’s addressed to someone else.

a dog sanctuary should have a fenced area for the dogs to be outside in, not chaining them up


i swear to god, i will never understand canadian physiology.

Does everything need to be kiddy fare? Or just everything that involved super heroes?

You’re making the same mistake as everyone else... thinking there are only two candidates to vote for.

Well you’re a loser. You’re candidate is a loser. You’re party is a loser. Telling people who don’t think like you to fuck off will definitely get people to vote for your trash loser corrupt as fuck rich as fuck candidates and support your dumpster fire of an awful ideology. Why should anyone listen to you anyway when

Yes, that’s nice.

Yep, it’s everyone’s fault except Hillary’s for the fact that she wasn’t a candidate people wanted to vote for. Despite all the polls that showed she might lose to Trump, her candidacy was more important to her than preventing Trump from becoming president. But it’s everyone elses’ fault.

friendly reminder that you backed the worse candidate. WORSE THAN TRUMP. the one that couldn’t be bothered to put in enough effort to convince enough people to vote for her. the one would was backed by wall street and thought it better to cozy up with celebrities and big donors rather than going to the people. the one

It was Hillary’s responsibility to convince people to vote for her. She failed miserably.

If it serves as a wake up call to the DNC to support a progressive candidate in the future, then it was worth it.

(sigh)...look I get you’re upset with the results but for starters they haven’t even finished COUNTING the popular votes! Secondly, as it stands the diffenece is approx. 200k...out of 1.2 BILLION!

Well, that’s why we have the whole republic thing so that there isn’t the opportunity to have tryanny from the majority. Even if I don’t agree with the outcome.

And yet, people still seem to think that winning the popular vote actually means something.

Sadly, that’s not how the President race works.

You’ve done a great job here pointing out a phenomenon known as “point-and-laugh liberalism.” Maybe if the Democrats adopted the a policy of unconditional respect, one that was advocated by... what’s his name.... the old white guy from Vermont, we wouldn’t be staring at this goddamn travesty. These people are