
This is a man who knows there is never a reason to put down a drink. I mean, why would you?

You lost your argument as soon as you devolved into the “soooo”. Then you sealed your tomb with the condescending “my friends”. You think tiny. Tiny won’t suffice in the Future, well not as far as intellect would be concerned.

“...I choose to live in the real world (THIS real world)“

Because they’re there. Sometimes you just have to pick a fight with the baddest guy in the yard.

Wow this is literally the most biased article I have read on the internet in a long time. What did Twitter do to you? Calm down.

Oh scissor me timbers.

Now playing

Really? You are calling a edit to the character count racist? One that I add makes a lot of sense, but you are click baity enough to say that a slight extension to the character count is so people can be more racist?

Area Man Questions The Intelligence of Others Using Fake Einstein Quote

lets take the word of people with bad credit who.. guess what.. didnt pay.. stories probably exaggeration.. if it was profitable to sell stuff at twice the cost that would be the price... it is 3 times the cost only shows the default rate.

“The most important feature, however, is an automatic lockout mode which prevents the $200 FlashTorch Mini from accidentally powering on in your bag, turning your camping gear into an instant, but presumably unwanted, bonfire.”

In a past job, I actually had to brief and prep Members of Congress on Internet related issues. One member I had to brief, didn’t have an email address or a mobile phone. I can say with 100% certainty, that they have no idea what they are talking about. Let alone, what any technology focused legislation will

So, you’re saying hate speech is acceptable as long as the person is running for President, and people shouldn’t be getting upset about it?

Damn. I haven’t been remotely interested in Wolverine since the first X-Men movie debuted, and yet. What a solid trailer that was.

Huh. I don’t know if it’s the use of Hurt, the sad Logan, the elderly Professor X, how different it feels or a combination of all the above, but I am pretty sold on that. Yeah. I’m all in for LOGAN.

Regardless of the cause, all three of these STDs can be prevented by adhering to sex safe practices, including using a latex condom (including during vaginal, anal, and oral sex).

There was some politician’s daughter who told me that it did once.

This is why I haven’t removed any of my friends from my Facebook feed regardless of what political party they support. I want to be surrounded by people of all sorts of lines of thinking. Even if they are wrong, it helps solidify my thoughts or makes me consider other points of view.

You mean the Podesta dump that pretty much tells us that Hillary is a politician and does regular politician things and tells us nothing about her that we don’t already know?

Look, I get it, you’re pissed because he’s kinda cute walking around on two legs. But he’s also an injured black bear routinely rooting around in neighborhoods for food who wouldn’t think for a second about eating your face right off your smarmy head. The fact that a hunter got him first and not the local Dept of