
No, I think what happened was that she flashed back to her decommissioned father. It was a little glitch in her system, the same way she was flashing back throughout the whole episode.

On their site it shows the glass holding a significant amount of wine when upright, so I guessed they had put a one-way valve into the stem to allow wine to come up but not drain back down.

I see they are catering to the elite. No option for box wine drinkers?

Reading the headline, I was expecting some random offensive comment Bone made years ago and he’s now getting embarrassed for it for fame he never asked for in the first place

Honestly, I was expecting worse based on the headline.

I like how they tried to spin him as anti-Trayvon when he called Zimmerman a shitbird.

Dude is enjoying his 15 minutes, and you decide to put him on blast for relatively innocuous comments?

It’s like every beehive they see, they gotta find a stick and poke it, and then they whine and cry and scream and bitch and moan about their bee stings for years afterward.

Aw man let poor Ken be. He doesn’t deserve this. It’s all fun and games till Thiel comes after your ass on bone’s behalf. And then you know what happens? No rice cooker

This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.

Am I the only one that notices no difference in the distance of the jump?

Why do they hate color so much?

We should probably nuke that valley, just to be sure.

“any reasonable person would conclude that a video depicting a woman being bound and gagged in a basement is in poor taste”

“That said, any reasonable person would conclude that a video depicting a woman being bound and gagged in a basement is in poor taste.”

Its made for shock value, its like watching a horror film. Do you think the people that made the SAW series are human trash because they depicted people getting killed and tortured? You obviously should just stay off the internet if that crappy 15 sec video of a girl being bound and gagged triggered you.

Youtube is FILLED with videos like this. It wasn’t a hoax at all, because that means they were trying to “fool” people into thinking it was something it wasn’t. They were just doing creepypasta/blair witch type stuff. The imgur idiot who started all this is the only one who needs to apologize. Especially once

Are you saying they specifically made it to resemble someone from an obscure missing persons case, put it online, then waited 7 years to alert authorities to it? That doesn’t make much sense

Judging an actor to be a piece of human garbage for a short film he made 7+ years ago. Who’s the piece of human garbage here really?

Why does making a short internet horror video 7 years ago make him a piece of human garbage?