Full of the sound of the Gran Fury, signifying nothing.

As far as I’m concerned, the best transmission is no transmission. I wasn’t big on EVs until I borrowed a Volt for a day and I’ve seen the light. I drove it as I would any car, and after 250 miles I topped off the tank with a whopping four gallons. Then there was the torque. OMG, the torque. And this wasn’t even a

Have you seen the price of a Vanagon Westfalia Syncro these days?

Meanwhile, in this red-state hell I currently call home, they are cutting my meager unemployment benefits every week. But on the bright side I may now finally qualify for the city-run health insurance program; I didn’t qualify previously because my UI had me making $80/mo more than their limit. At least now I’ll

Whenever I go to the Goodwill Outlet and dig through the bins of unwanted books I find it amusing how many books by infamous twits Tucker Carlson, Glen Beck and other Fox blowhards can be found. I have no idea if the same aged crowd that bought those books originally are part of the target demographic for books by

In late 2018, whilst working a job that I loved, my boss, a woman that I respect and admire, pulled me aside to talk. She noticed that I appeared to be in a great deal of pain and that I really should get it checked out and quickly. She was always looking out for me, once calling the paramedics to haul me out to the

I love that, in one swift move whilst putting my car into reverse, I can just tap the ‘auto’ button on my climate control with my knuckle as I start to drive. It could not be any easier.

I like sportier vehicles. I also like minivans. I really like manual transmissions. What’s the chance of ever finding those in one vehicle again in the US? Zero. I’ll keep what I love and drive the wheels off of it, thanks.

There’s a good reason I don’t cross over the Missouri. Or the Meramec. At least if I cross the Mississippi I can get into the (relative) sanity that is Illinois.

I love manual transmissions, even having one in my Mazda5. And I love BEVs, and would seriously consider one for my next car. However, with a BEV a transmission, manual or automatic, isn’t needed and would more likely distract from the driving experience.

True - you can see the Evergreen logo on the nose of one of those. Those were some ratty-ass planes. I’ve got a picture somewhere that I took inside of a Ryan 727-100 that was used for USPS service. They fixed a leak by the cargo door by duct-taping a McDonald’s coffee cup near the hinge. Functional, yes, but belongs

Nah, all we need is a little old-fashioned water injection to get the smoke going.

Well, no manual, so it’s not quite the Jalopnik Special (not that you could get one, but you know the drill...) Nice enough vehicle, but that price seems a little steep - reluctant CP.

C’mon people - break out a vacuum before taking pictures!

I bought my Mazda because I was trying to get away from premium and luxury models. I’m tired of the expensive German cars I used to drive and wanted something inexpensive, reliable yet still fun to drive.


Cenrifugal force would fling the offending debris towards the outside of the engine and through the bypass ductwork, avoiding the core of the engine. And even if it did get into the core it would probably melt (paint is soft and burns at relatively low temperature) and cause a little loss of efficiency as it possibly s

And after decades of owning German cars I bought my first Japanese car. It’s been seven years now and I don’t miss the days of keeping a spare car just to have something to drive whilst the other one is in the shop...

If doing this to a W140 is a challenge, I wonder if it’s even possible to do the same thing on an R129. That sound with the top down would be intoxicating.

Now playing

Hopefully they’ll get to ‘P’ soon...