Full of the sound of the Gran Fury, signifying nothing.

I currently look quite different than I have for years. Instead of the clean-cut, USAF officer look I sported for years I have let my hair and whiskers grow out considerably (cancer treatment has sapped my energy and money so I just decided to go natural), and I look like I’m straight out of the ‘70s. I was expecting

That interior color is what I love most. Even if it died shortly after purchase I would be happy to camp out in the garage and relax inside.

I just saw one of those yesterday at the Goodwill Outlet. Seriously heavy, and not built all that well.

That’s a wheel cover, not a hubcap. In my little world hub caps just cover the hub, not the entire wheel.

Now playing

The prank that I was known for in high school was a matter of fortuitous timing. I had a short play that I had written (alone, because it was a team project and everyone else had flaked), a parody of some Shakespeare piece; we had to perform it during English class that day. There was a brief soundtrack to accompany

I think I’d rather be seen in the Mitsuoka instead of that hideous red BMW that keeps popping up in the sidebar, something so unattractive that I feel like I'm being repeatedly stabbed in the eyes. Please, Jalopnik, stop torturing me with that monstrosity every time I look at an article...

Precisely. Several years ago I upgraded from a 4S to a 6S Plus. As nice as the new models are, I’m not in any great rush to switch phones. This one works fine, still has a headphone jack, and 128GB is a reasonable amount of storage. My mom did upgrade to a 7 last year (I think she dropped her phone into the pool),

And what are the odds that this modification makes the car perform worse than stock?..

Probably the way one of my ramp agents at LAX managed to get a baggage tug stuck with one of the 5 foot high, concrete-filled metal poles (in place to protect the approach lighting) sticking up through the engine compartment, between the radiator and the front of the engine.

Now, time for the big question - is the Taycan being marketed as a coupé?

1st Gear: Trump, just fuck off with this crap already. You obviously don’t understand geography (or meteorology, or hundreds of other things that should be necessary in your job), and you didn’t have to live through the torturous smog that Californians, especially those in the LA basin, did back in the ‘60s and’70s;

I’d probably rather be seen in this MR2-based F355 replica. T-tops FTW. I wouldn’t bother with Ferrari badging, leave the Toyota emblems in place to confuse people.

Two months ago I saw a guy driving a later Mondial convertible around St Louis. I had my phone ready to snap some pictures, but he was just cruising and dropped further back before I could snap a pic...

Well, the seats should be beige, not black, and it needs a vintage (looking) radio, but those are about my only complaints here. Nice way to update an unloved classic. I still prefer the look of the the 308, even in GT4 guise, but the Mondial does have a certain awkward charm; I think I still have a 1/25 scale model

Don’t check the ashtray...

Inherited it, most likely, from an older relative that didn't drive much.

Note that they ‘obtained’ the car, not that they bought it. It was probably inherited, and by a person that doesn't have the means to properly care for such a vehicle.

Years ago a friend was selling his GoldWing 1100. He advertised it for $1850 OBO and decided that he’d settle for $1500. I came over for a visit after he posted the ad, took one look at the bike and had him take me to the nearest auto parts store to pick up some detailing supplies.

RandomFreeloveName - I like it!