
The Bear just changed the music montage as we know it

Better than New Beginning, Jason Takes Manhattan, and Jason Goes To Hell. But not super great. It’s basically the Canadian non-union, “CW genre soap opera in the 2010s” Friday the 13th

My wife couldn’t watch Abbott for the longest time because she’s an elementary school librarian and Ava reminded her too much of her principal. Every episode, she keeps saying, “Yep. Yep. That’s true. Yep.” at all of the stupidity and idiocy that happens at the fictional school.

Now playing

For anyone else who thought, “I wish an embedded trailer had been included in that write-up”, my gift to you:

The problem, as I see it, is the tech bros all took the AI roast out of the oven WAYYY before it was done, and now every business is pouncing on it because they want to stop paying workers to do things that an AI is supposed to be able to do.

Ask any copywriter or content writer you can find. AI is already replacing jobs, not well or effectively, but it is doing it. Why? Because quality is no competitor to free labor. No matter what. 

Do people really believe that corporations, when faced with paying a human or using AI, will choose to continue paying wages when there’s a free option?

You know what would be fun? Another Mario game in the mold of long-lost Mario 2. Yes, it was just a skin of another game, but it’s far better known as Mario 2 and would be fun to toss some turnips at Snifits and Ninjis again in the modern era. #JusticeForWart

I’m not even sure the first one was a movie that demanded a movie.

Nope, Tenet sucked.

Not unlike West World, it twisted itself in pretzels to show off how clever it was, and frankly it was the most boring movie I’ve seen in years :(

I think it was just to say that the WTF podcast used to make similar headlines for comedians coming on and taking names but lately it’s Shay Shay. You’re overthinking things a tad! 

This dick picked an appropriate moniker, at least.

Gimmick, and a depressing one.

Removing the color is not the same as shooting on B&W film. B&W film has a richness to it that decolorization cannot capture. Just as colorizing a B&W film does not achieve the richness of Technicolor.

I don’t buy that explanation at all.

I feel like you’ve got it reversed. Moffat *loved* super plotty timey wimey long term story arc stuff. Smith’s second series in particular. RTD laid seeds but Tennant’s doctor had piles of standalone episodes. Moffat is much more known for the rep of season long arcs.

Yeah comparing it with obvious stinkers like Citadel and The Idol is insane.

Putting Ted Lasso S3 as one of the 10 most disappointing tv shows of the year is utter nonsense. 

Agent Elvis was fucking hilarious though and Ted Lasso season 3 was a lot better than 2. The only entry on this ugh...slideshow(barf) that works with the premise is Secret Invasion, no clue how they fucked that up so badly. The rest were either actually good or gave us absolutely no reason to expect them to be good.