
The main problem with Order 66 is how easily it seemed to be executed in the Revenge of the Sith. Lucas made the Jedis of the prequel trilogy so over-powered, that it was just no longer believable to see them get shot in the back or get killed by 10 clones troopers. We watched the Jedi battle and easily deflect the

I woke up Friday morning, went online, ordered the game from Target, and picked it up an hour later.

Fantastic Mr. Fox definitely has that Thanksgiving vibe. Will be adding it to the rotation.

Planes, Trains & Automobiles is one of my favorite movies and my family watches it yearly, but please don’t steal one of the only Thanksgiving films there is away from the least represented of the big 3 holidays. Steve Martin’s character is trying to get home for Thanksgiving not Christmas. This and A Charlie Brown