
Genie, you're free.

What's wrong with that? My "me time" consists of capturing neighborhood cats and microwaving them for an hour.

"That's not why she was incarcerated!"

Little kids cry all the time for nonsense reasons, you don't have to treat every moment like their emotional future is IN THE BALANCE.

Can't The View just go the fuck away already? It's like the TV version of Yahoo article comments.

"Not attractive at all"? What kind of impossible standards do you have? I think she looks cute there. Different than she does now, certainly, but she was definitely pretty.

Turns out no amount of touch-ups can fix his face. He still looks like a penis with teeth.

Okay, that sounds like a start. I have a Twitter account but I don't know how to use it. I guess I could google it but I don't know, too much info on there. Can you tell me how I can find all the people who tagged the jada pose and how I would respond to it? do i just look up #jadapose and then post #supportjada


Also how fucked up is it that Harry became guardian to Remus and Tonks' baby at 17? LET THE BOY WHO LIVED HAVE A LIFE.

You can tell that most people that comment on here are Americans because they claim "dirty game" on that's a little rougher than usual. Oh the goalie is trash talking? Boo fucking hoo. It's soccer, ladies.

That's why I can't watch soccer on DVR, no suspense if you know there's going to be little action. Even if it's boring watching live, you still believe there's that instant where something will happen.

...and Costa Rica dived and time-wasted all match. They got what they deserved.

The cast of Cougar Town should ask her to guest star.

WTF is wrong with you? It's a fucking music awards show. I would have said the same thing about the Grammys or the VMAs. Get over yourself.

Can you imagine what would happen if Lupita Nyong'o and Jennifer Lawrence were to become best friends? I think the world would explode from adorableness overload.

I'm sorry...what? Clearly, you are ignorant of real hip hop and its origins. The very definition of hip hop is that it is the artistic expression of Blackness. Others can participate, but with a spirit of appreciation and respect. What is on the radio now is a joke and has nothing to do with real hip hip. The

I do not understand why people feel the need to share that they think tattoos look awful. Like, okay well thanks for your unsolicited and unnecessary opinion on my appearance! Glad we got that established! I can sleep at night now knowing someone has very important opinions on how the bodies of others look!

I'm going to slam you on this car.