
I straight up WEPT

Another one over here! So amazing!!

Actually Taylor’s BFF looks like a wax figure in that photo. WHAT IS HAPPENING

I legit thought that medium with two first names was a creepy ass ventriloquist dummy for a second

Me too! “Do you know what I’m stopping you for?” “Cuz I’m young and I’m black and my hat’s real low”

I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you have found happiness in a place where he can’t touch you anymore. People don’t realize that abusive, manipulative people are also often great actors.

On second thought, I don’t really wanna see it

Dude, at least provide pics.

I wonder to what extent the fact that she is bisexual plays a role in people’s disbelief. Like how in the whole ‘bisexuality isn’t a real thing’ narrative, guys who are bi are really just half-out gays and girls who are bi are just saying it to get attention from guys. I’ve seen comments on Facebook saying pretty much

Right? I find it unbelievable that I even have to type this, but there are so many ways to bond without having to beat each other up first.

I had a friend who had a similar experience during his hazing. He ended up in hospital, had to stay there for a few days, was eventually sent home and immediately went back into hazing.

That was also my main takeaway from this.

Edited ‘cause I was kind of judgey and realized that you know what, you do you, adult babies!

And what’s really creepy about him is, he had a child with an actress soon after this scandal exploded.

NGL, “farting and too soon satisfied” had me in stitches. Other than that, ew.

I somehow managed to restrain from commenting for 5 years!

I will NEVER get over it

Agreed! This was great.

I had one at 17 weeks, but it was one of those classic “I didn’t know I was pregnant” stories. Luckily I found out in time.