
NOV 5TH IS BONFIRE NIGHT. I shall hear of nothing else.

All I have to say is Onions are disgusting full stop. They are the testicles of Satan and must be stopped.

Best Prom dress that still hold up is Buffys dress from "The Prom" episode. Classic!

On Christmas Eve. In the Pub. I was expecting a kiss under the mistletoe, MAYBE a little token of affection. Not a dumping.

oh oh! Watch"Honey" too! Only Mariah swims in heels.

They need to bring back Making the Video. It was SO GOOD.

HA, Bolton School also has the claim to fame that Sir Ian McKellen went there! He is my main man.


Witchcraft can be the only answer. Bolton is full of witches!

There was an episode of Don't tell the Bride (A UK programme) where they had their reception room done up like the Hogwarts Great Hall, it was at a place called The Bolton School, In Bolton in Lancashire and it is now all I dream of.

Ah now I understand. My English brain sees waffles and thinks potato, rather than syrup and batter.

Are Belgian waffles made of potato? Or are they a dough type thing? I am in a state of waffle confusion.

This place is 45 minutes drive from my house. Challenge extended?

You know, I only tried Black pudding for the first time this July at the ripe old age of 29, because I couldn't get over the fact that it is just pigs blood and fat and oats given a fancy name. And when you come from Lancashire like I do, that makes you an outsider.

But...but POTATO WAFFLES. Waffles which are made from potato and can be cooked in a toaster. They go with everything. I may or may not be someone who panics if we are running low on waffles in our freezer.

Toaster Waffles are my drunk food of choice, if I haven't had a kebab shop stop on the way home. If im feeling really fancy I put cheese on them and stuff them in a bap.

I had to stop watching this because I was crying with laughter at my desk. V inappropriate.

Thanks! I'll have a Google tonight when I get home. :)

Is it just me that finds those GIANT FUCKOFF CANDLES hilarious? Like she wouldn't be able to see normal sized birthday candles? Give the woman a break!

Where can I watch it? I am UK based and don't have Netflix. Is it streamable, or on You Tube? I am rubbish with computer things. It took me, like, forever to work out Kinja :/