
I did this 5 years ago. I am 35.

I had an ex-boyfriend who was a semi-professional wrestler. He had anger and jealousy issues and I dumped him when he was 100 miles away by telephone because I was scared of what he would do.

I saw him in person at a Festival in 2017 ( I was going to write last year but wow 2018 seems like it went fast) and he is SO SMALL. I’m 5ft 4in and he was the same height as me. Lovely face though.

I found out on Monday that my dad has Throat Cancer. He’s 75. We are still awaiting more information about treatment and how serious this all is, but it was a kick in the tits to find out. I wish Alex and his family the very best.

I HAVE read this book. It is truly insane, and badly written, and I cannot remember the end. Please excuse me whilst I go and dig it out and re-read it whilst wine drunk.

Vimto is the superior squash. But that’s probably the Manchester in me.

SUPER DUPER LATE TO THIS so I shall forever languish in the grays but I was a wimp of a kid, so the following things scared me at various points:

My husband created an Instagram for our Dog without telling me. Only found out when I got a friend request from said account and it already had nearly 100 followers.

I still have my 5ive album! And they did a reunion tour here in the UK a couple of years ago that I went to that was so much fun, it was them, Liberty X, Steps, The Honeyz, 911, Blue and B*witched. It was like being 13 again, but drunk.

I am also dealing with this. I’m 34 and my dad is 73, mum is 64. Dad is also disabled with crippling arthritis in both knees, and uses 2 walking sticks or a mobility scooter to get around. He’s also on anti-depressants and a limited diet due to having part of his bowels removed with a tumor 20 years ago. My mum still

Negroni’s are delicious. As are Aperol Spritz. I’d rather have a bitter/sour cocktail than one that makes my teeth furry with all the sugar thanks.

I completely agree!! He’s just...rude, I think?

The self checkouts at our local sainsburys have camera’s attached to them, and a screen in front of you, so you can see and the nearby attendant can see what you are scanning. They introduced them about a month ago, and only at that one shop so maybe its a trial before they roll it out?

I can relate to this. I’m tearing up for him and beemo and my dearly departed fluff ball Rita. We adopted her after she was abandoned outside a vets, only for us to find out a month later that her reason for not eating, weight loss and spaced out behaviour was that she was born with a liver shunt so her body didn’t

Ha! Bangers are a nickname for sausages, but Bangers and Mash is just Sausages and Mashed Potato, with Onion Gravy and is a lovely warming dinner! But Mashed potato isn’t going anywhere near a full English! :)

Bangers and Mash isn’t breakfast! :) If you are going to do a full English it should have the following: Proper Back Bacon, not your american stuff, Sausages, Fried Eggs, Fried Mushrooms, Grilled or fried half a tomato, Heinz Baked Beans, Black Pudding and Fried bread and/or toast with loads of proper butter. Must be

Here in the UK, The bridal party don’t pay for their outfits, the bride and groom do. I find it so strange that in the USA people spends thousands on weddings, but won’t stretch to outfitting their bridal party. You want them to wear a certain dress? Fine, but you pay for it, and the hair and make-up if you want that

I was saying before AS3 it was too soon. It needed at least a 2 year break in my opinion to get some more talent to pick from and it was too close to AS2 for comparisons. Especially as AS2 had such a strong line up. I hope they skip it next year.

Try a little tenderness by Otis Redding. Not for any other reason than it was our song before we even got together.

That was part of the reason why I didn’t feel the film worked as well in a US setting, in the UK having a beer drink is so normalised, to the extent that I’ve seen people on trains with Cans of Beer at 6am if they are having a weekend away. I mean, when we got the train to London for my 30th we took a bottle of