
Casefile did a brilliant multi-parter on it. Its a fantastic podcast anyway, but they sometimes do a multi-part arc that are just fantastic.

Where the hell did you buy them?! An 18 pack of Tampax Pearl costs £3 in most shops!

You’re welcome! :)

1. There are health insurance providers in the UK, but everyone has access to the NHS as standard. some things have wait times etc, and if you don’t want that you can pay. Main one I can think of is called Bupa, and a lot of companies provide this to their employees (Mostly higher managerial). I get Health assistance

Comments like that are why all the girls have had so much surgery since the start. All new noses, new boobs, bigger lips and slimmer thighs. Makes me sad.

Do a tour of the North! There will be no issues with inflated accommodation, and we are a lot friendlier up here ;)

Bear, my Pom x Sheltie Rescue. An absolute babe most of the time, except for last Tuesday night when he was sick on the bed and I had to buy a new duvet.

My little sister has got the cheese one this year. I’ve never seen her so excited before.

You can buy kits to make your own! That’s what my mum does. She then puts a scratch card and chocolate in them to go with the joke and card that they provide.

My mum makes her own crackers. She puts a scratch card and a lindt chocolate in each one. As well as the standard joke and hat. I love them, although no-one has ever won more than £5 on the scratch cards ha

Neither do we, but you still have them every Christmas. It’s not Christmas dinner without reading a shit joke out to everyone and stuffing a crappy paper hat on your head, which you will inevitably rip or get wet or loose under the table at some point.

The only funny bit in the original is when he can hear the dog

Boring. Next!

Me and My Little Sister on Friday. Wigs are hot, man.

Me and my Sister went as Romy and Michele on Friday night! It was so much fun and really easy once the dresses were sorted. I really enjoyed wearing a wig for the night too hah!

Saw him in the flesh this summer. All the sexy Jon Snow thoughts I had ever had flew out of my head. Not sexy in real life.

You are doing good work with the Starring Eva!

There is nothing more in life that I want, nay NEED than this, but I can’t find a US Stockist, and because Brexit is shit and fucked the GBP up It’s gonna cost me a fortune to order internationally.

Me and grandhiwizard are in the same place as you are. and you know what, i’m happy with it.

Oh my god this website!!! That’s my afternoon lost.