Grammarbitch is all trumped out already

Yes why is sharknado also missing from the list????????

Seriously they put titanic in but not twister????? Twister is the fucking greatest movie ever!!!!! (Except maybe for dante’s peak).

I’m 33 and have never really had a boyfriend. I’m probably way too good about being alone. I don’t think i am even that picky. But yes, i have tried internet dating and it is THE WORST

That’s it. I’m done. Fuck this fucking piece of shit. I’m moving to Mexico tomorrow and I thought I was going to miss home but I cannot deal with this asshole any more!

Ugh why is there an ad for an assault rifle on this site?!

What about a manticore?

I wonder how many anti-benefits people would be placated if everyone got the same benefits? Sometimes I think they’re just pissed that the gubmint is helping people who aren’t them. I can’t wait until more studies on universal basic income come out.

How often did school age you give a single shit about how food got put on your table? Or did you have to labor all day at the salt mine to contribute to your family’s income?

When I read this headline I imagined that they were all given hallucinogens and Hammond was a serial killer, there were really no dinosaurs— and 10/10 would watch.

Seriously. Lay a couple of sheets of toilet paper over it in an attempt to be discreet. Then gtfo.

Why the hell do we even have enrollment periods for insurance?

Jesus Christ, FUCK Texas, fucking shithole full of asswipe shitbag douchenozzles

I think he calls his balls “my generals”

Fuck these people. I guess I deserved to get cancer at age 3, because I wasn’t taking good care of myself before that. Or was that a punishment for my parents? Imagine how rich they’d be if they didn’t pay $20,000 per year health insurance premiums for a decade after I was healthy, maybe then these craven assholes

Or how about you have some fucking intellectual curiosity for once in your goddamn life and actually learn something about the job you spent years campaigning for?????? Dafuq!?!? Paul Ryan, I know you are a piece of shit, but can you even hear what is coming out of your mouth.

I just listened to that episode of Hidden Brain about how scarcity completely hijacks the way you think, and actually keeps people from being able to see the bigger picture. When I saw the headline, my initial reaction was, yeah, he’s right, look at all these click bait headlines trying to get me to have a liberal

I am 100% expecting Comey to disappear ~mysteriously~ in the next week. Stay safe my dude!!!

Like, we knew this was going to happen, but oh my god FUCK EVERYTHING. insurance is PART OF EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION. It is not some generous gift from our overlords. Why is insurance considered as belonging to the company middleman, and not the insurer or the insured? What if one day Hobby Lobby wants to lay some

Cannot unsee 😱😭

Omg I think I have reached complete hysterics from all the news today but you have reduced me to tears lol