
Forget it, Jake. It’s Snydertown.

Actually, it’s really about ethics in throwing chairs at people. 

Just being practical, that’s all. 

Not so much. But fair point. I mean, it is a little scary how quickly the idea came to me. My subconscious must really hate 2x4’s.

I hope a spectator was hurt, then sues the UFC, the fighters, the promoters, and the broadcasters all into bankruptcy, and then creates a new fighting organization where they give McGregor $9,000 paydays while they charge fans $26 each to line up and haul off and hit him in the head with a 2x4 even after he’s been

And yet, here you are, reading a story you don’t want to read, then taking the time to comment on the story you didn’t want to read, then reading the replies to the comment you made after reading the article you didn’t want to read, and then replying to the replies you read after making the comment about the article

Are you really Alex Pareene? I’m only asking because this is Pareenism at its saddest. Next you’ll be telling us voting doesn’t matter because both parties are equally bad. So, why not just say that now — it would save us the agony of scrolling past these weak, watered-down teasers.

It’s ancient by now, but every year this speech can be seen more clearly as the model for modern American adult male public behavior:

You shouldn’t. You should assume the owner of the business is overpaying his or her workers and that the workers are a bunch of lazy thieves only out for themselves. Your dumb question implies you think that way about workers anyway, so you should just own it.

But apparently also anti-union, oddly enough.

If it’s a coal mine or an auto factory, yeah, you’re not going to be going into those places as a consumer anyway. But if it’s a business that does rely on paying customers at a retail level, then it makes no sense to high-five the striking workers and say, “I’m with you 100%! But right now I have to go inside and pay

This is why people so rarely do the right thing. It’s such an inconvenience!

And let’s not forget, any player who did refuse to cross the picket line would be sent to the minors and released as quickly as possible, never to be given a chance to play in the majors again.

The guy in the hat killed the other guy in the hat. 

If he gets the eyeballs out of his head, how is he going to play golf?

Better brains: the Harbaugh brothers, the Ryan brothers, or the Gruden brothers?

I think that misses the point. Without the filibuster, but only a 1-seat majority, Schumer couldn’t be very sure that Trump wouldn’t nominate justices that someone like Manchin would vote to confirm. If they need 60 votes, Trump has to be a lot more circumspect about his nominees, and the Dems could even more easily

Somehow this is going to wind up being Patrick Reed’s fault. 

The game is about gambling now, for better or worse. As such, it was a thriller.