
He must’ve viked it a lot when the game ended and he looked up at the scoreboard and started celebrating that great Vikings win!

Oh, it gets worse.

You seem a little judge-y. 

Well, if the Nats were still in contention they all would. Amazing how their hitting has come around since it stopped mattering. 

Sorry, can you type all that again? My dog ate my iPad.

So, you’re saying Kelsi is single?

You’re probably like “why.”

Driven by Michael A. Taylor. 

And Scherzer got his 300th K tonight. Should make the Cy Young. voting a little more interesting.

I’m in Iceland so my phone clock was a few hours ahead. I reset it right before posting this reply, so now it’s on Eastern Time.

Not so amazing. I’m just really good at predicting things.

I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that Fitzpatrick will have a better second half, with no interceptions, and will end up being the first NFL QB ever to throw for 400+ yards in three straight games.

Rose is certainly talented enough to have birdied 18, even from the bunker. Except he wasn’t handling the pressure well at all in that fourth round and it’s easy to imagine him doink-ing his wedge shot into that lip from the sand and getting a 5 or 6 on that hole. The drive seemed to pump him up a bit, and the bounce

Yeah, I’m not sure how that ball popped forward off that bank instead of backwards, but it was a $10 million bounce.

It would’ve been wild if Justin Rose hadn’t birdied 18 and Tiger had also won the FedEx Cup, with its $10 million prize.

Gruden is in rebuilding mode for 2018 and 2019, but he does expect his team to be a Super Bowl contender in 5050.

She is. I’d also like to see Katie Nolan do an interview with Cuban, or with some of the dipshit college coaches.

Despite that one play, I have to admit: I do like the Blue Jays’ new uniforms.

I’m honestly surprised he didn’t say, “I like all the Titles. Title II is good, they’re all very good. But I think Title IX is one of the best.”