Someday, I’d like to see a coach handle a question about a quarterback who just threw five interceptions with such brutal honesty, instead of lying about what a “competitor” the guy is.
Someday, I’d like to see a coach handle a question about a quarterback who just threw five interceptions with such brutal honesty, instead of lying about what a “competitor” the guy is.
And then he retired and moved to Winter Haven.
Well, maybe now there’s a slim chance that Hue Jackson won’t win NFL Coach of the Year this year for a change.
If anybody was accusing Chris of wanting to live in an echo chamber, your comment wouldn’t be nearly as stupid as it is. But nobody is accusing him of that, so...
I could see he was getting annoyed because he felt like his post allowed that Williams shared the blame more than most pundits were saying she did. His point in reply to me was that he thought shared blame was the right call but he was surprised how many people only blamed Williams. Which seemed fair to me, even if I…
To be honest, I admire authors who ban people. A lot more people should be banned a lot more often. I’m not including 50 Shades in that statement — I think 50 Shades is a very good commenter and always has been. I just mean in general. The best things about Kinja are: 1) you might get banned, and 2) we can all use the…
I’ve contended on two or three Deadspin stories on this topic that Williams was not only to blame, but intentionally ratcheted up the situation to try and get the crowd worked up, and to intimidate her younger opponent (one of those things worked, the other most certainly did not). Nobody argued much with me and none…
Yeah, I think the NPR story probably came from Manafort’s lawyer, or maybe from Giuliani. Seems highly unlikely they’d take a plea without cooperation. And I’ve seen lawyers who said if they did that, as soon as Manafort agreed to the no-cooperation deal, Mueller could march him over to the grand jury and compel him…
And then there’s this:
Nobody knows anything.
The demolition of the IDC is the real news tonight. Now Cuomo will have to govern a state that actually has a Democratic majority in the statehouse. He’ll no longer be able to hide behind the political Frankenstein he created himself, of nominal Dems who caucus with the Republicans.
Also probably good for limericks.
It’s like 9/11 all over again.
During an interview with the Associated Press, Trump bragged that his presidency was good for TV ratings, saying they were the highest they had been since “Since the World Trade Center came down.”
** I think he has three daughters, tbh.
Apparently, Belichick is a very sharp, top-dollar dresser off the field and only wears those tragically bad outfits on game day as a protest against the league rule dictating that coaches have to wear league-approved brands on the sideline. So, he chooses the ugliest thing made by that brand, often cuts off the…
I thought it was weird right after Lee’s pick-6 when Stafford ran over to the ref and started shouting, “I have a daughter!”