To be honest, in Law School we were taught it’s settled law that anyone who disagrees with Ashley Feinberg about anything is, ipso facto, wrong at best, probably a liar, and at worst a criminal.
To be honest, in Law School we were taught it’s settled law that anyone who disagrees with Ashley Feinberg about anything is, ipso facto, wrong at best, probably a liar, and at worst a criminal.
I never said there weren’t kinks in the plan that still needed to be worked out. I’m an idea guy. Let the minions and veterinarians work out the details.
We could compromise and make it a best-of-four set match. First one to 2 sets + 1 game would win.
That’s awesome.
And one Golden Retriever at a time should be allowed to roam the court during points. Not one Retriever for the whole match (which would be animal cruelty), but different Retrievers, to keep it interesting.
This is so true, and you have to wonder how long that kind of mental approach can last before she starts overthinking everything. I mean, tennis has such a history of shooting stars who seem simply unbeatable for a year or two but who fall into some kind of mental hole that they can’t crawl out of for years at a time.…
Dee Gordon is a walking, talking, rootin’ tootin’ “How many things can you do wrong on a 2-out play with a runner standing right in front of you while you’re holding the ball?” infographic.
So you can trade them for more draft picks, apparently.
Do they even have ego hazard pay? Because, who couldn’t use some of that sweet cash pretty much every day?
He’ll be out next Attorney General.
It’s alleged that it was actually a club.
Given all the various possible scenarios, I’d say finding his pup sitting in its own piss is very bad but it’s still better than about 90% of the alternatives he might have walked in on with his dog being in that house with those people at that time.
I never realized he was completely and totally innocent and really the victim in all this! It’s nice of him to clarify the real story. He’s such a babe in the woods, it’s infuriating that everyone everywhere in the world is out to get him. Except me.
This feels like the fates meant to have this exact play happen to the Nats but somehow got mixed up and cursed the Phillies with it by accident.
The Nats announcers just kept saying, “Why is he even trying to advance? With 2 outs, he’s score from second on a single anyway. It’s not like he could tag up at third on a long third-out fly ball.” The 3rd bad coach apparently was jumping up and down to tell Velasquez not to tag up, and to just stay at 2nd. But…
Seems harsh.
Haha, I like how the announcer describes strike three as “pretty close.” Any Arrested Development voiceover narrator would tell you, “It was not close.”
You are correct and I should’ve remembered that. Thanks for spotting my mistake.