Greggg is just mad because now he has to pay Ertz a bounty for injuring one of Williams’s own players.
Greggg is just mad because now he has to pay Ertz a bounty for injuring one of Williams’s own players.
“Arm the head coaches.” -Betsy DeVos
Your list has a misprint. Everyone everywhere has always universally agreed that “Babe: Pig In The City” is the best film of 1998, but your kinja publishing system accidentally moved it to #13. Just thought you’d want to know, since that’s sort of an embarrassing outcome from what is obviously a technical glitch.…
Yeah, I tend to agree. And I could be wrong about this, but I believe that the downside of taking a pardon is, Manafort could no longer decline to testify in future cases, and if he withheld information or failed to be fully truthful, even in, say 2021, he’d be committing another crime because he can’t invoke the 5th…
Fair. But State charges can’t be pardoned by the President. Manafort won’t squirm away so easily. He almost certainly state taxes, and violated state business laws, too.
These are complicated tax law questions, often beyond the casual understanding of random jurors. The judge didn’t really give them the guidance they would have needed in order to really understand the details, and he prevented the prosecution from presenting some evidence that would have clarified how the charges…
Harper has played a lot better than Trout in August.
When did the “Nationals” change their name to the “Dodgers”?
Was it Drysdale? Sounds like Drysdale.
Almost goes without saying, but still needed to be said.
Foltynewicz should hit Mattingly.
The league should suspend Mattingly, too. He knew exactly how likely it was that Ureña would do this.
You’re 100% right. Except he literally, specifically says the pitcher should hit Acuña with a pitch. So, in that context, you’re completely wrong.
Baseball should suspend Hernandez.
I remember an old news story about a small town police chief who made his officers take a class in vocabulary and grammar because he never wanted to see another crime report that said, “The victim’s hand was decapitated.”