Normally you’d have to look to Elizabeth Holmes to find a CEO writing such dumb emails to an employee trying to tell him/her there are problems inside the company.
Normally you’d have to look to Elizabeth Holmes to find a CEO writing such dumb emails to an employee trying to tell him/her there are problems inside the company.
I suspect some of those kids won’t ever see their parents again. The people holding them have no idea how to reunite some of them. They may never admit it, but they just didn’t care enough to track them closely. That wasn’t the mission. Separating them was. Reuniting them was a secondary consideration at best.
Another legal genius associated with this administration is making them look smarter than ever:
Irony is stronger than capitalism.
With this administration, always remember the Malcolm X quote, “If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there’s no progress. If you pull it all the way out that’s not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. And they haven’t even pulled the knife out much less heal…
The EO is an unnecessary step that invites lawsuits. He could just call Sessions and Nielsen and tell them to knock off the zero tolerance policy. He wants to wave a pen around like he’s accomplishing something besides undercutting his own policy in a manner that will be harder and take longer to implement. They’re…
Haha, that’s great. You seem mad. But, no, you’re not a nazi. You’re weaker than that. You’re just a nazi apologist. And a dumbbell, to boot, though that’s a lot better than being a *smart* nazi apologist. But you’ll never have to worry about that.
What you should do is, you should definitely not call or text Stephen Miller’s phone number. Problem solved!
Yeah, definitely not enough hate being directed toward her for allowing him to say that and not objecting one bit. Instead, she tries to make sure the “guests” don’t talk over each other which we certainly wouldn’t want. Why, it’s practically uncivilized!
Well, the wall *did* stare at him for a long time after he walked into it, and that breaks one of the unwritten rules for walls.
Are we sure the wall didn’t hit him instead, just for being a piece of shit?
Nielsen having the fucking gall to go to a Mexican restaurant isn’t even the most predictable thing a Trump wannabe did this evening:
He’s building up a pretty long list of batters he needs to bean.
And yet, ICE isn’t lifting a goddam finger to separate these parents from their kids.
Oh, I’m just teasing because last 7 days Harper is hitting something like .045 and nothing remotely close to Trout. Doesn’t mean he’s not a great player. He’s just a bit of a wreck at the plate right now.
That almost exactly matches Bryce Harper’s numbers over the same period except that Harper’s numbers in each category are much worse.
They’ve got Matt Wieters!