
You know it’s bad when you’re thinking, “Okay, cool, two outs but bases loaded and all we need is — oh, no, Haper’s up. Aaaand, inning over.”

Phil Mickelson approves!

A.K.A. “Old Beanpole”

It’s different in different parts of the country, but in Florida it works like this.

Now you’ve got me wondering, do you who is the richest Sumo wrestler of all time?

Kelly was played by Jeremy Irons in the third movie. They also gave him a second alias, “Peter Krieg”, which starts with “K” and that rhymes with “Blue Jay” and that stands for Kelly Gruber.

Even Kelly’s brother Hans found his appearance embarrassing.

That’s a great point. Would be interesting to know who was actually talking on that feed.

The guy in charge of their tournament coverage said they looked at every aspect of what they do and they decided to - wait for it - cut back on the number of announcers and analysts on the course while increasing the booth analysts from 3 in one booth to 4 in two booths. That’s why you get them following certain

The incompetence just makes it seem hard.

And they even know it! Everybody knows it. Their big move to improve things this year? Fewer announcers. It’s genius, Jerry, I tell ya. Genius!

This makes so much sense because Fox Sports has notoriously awful audio technicians working the relatively few golf tournaments they get. Presumably, Murdoch assigns his bastard great-great-grandchildren to the Fox Sports TV audio department to ‘learn the business’ in real-time, so they set up some mics and go

If his lawyer argued that Manafort didn’t understand the original order, then that lawyer should be sued for malpractice for not explaining the original order to his or her client adequately. Unless the attorney is arguing that even he or she didn’t understand the scope of the order, and thus didn’t advise the client

I give points for the “DeKKKer” joke.

That’s all true, but it reads to me like the commenter was simply saying that, from an investigative pov, it appears as though the alleged burglary incident probably led the police to see a pattern that matches the M.O. of a serial rapist and they connected the dots. Guilt or innocence aside, as a police procedural,

Don’t get mad. Just don’t make empty, wishful, delusional comments about a race where the candidates are already settled.

You don’t “try” candidates. They run or they don’t. If Ojeda has run against Manchin in the primary, great. He did not. Swearengen did. And she lost. Manchin is the candidate. You don’t like him? Vote for Blankenship, the Jill Stein of 2018. Otherwise, stop dropping names of people who didn’t even run for Manchin’s

If Child Services sees your comment they’re going to subpoena Deadspin to try and find out where you live and pay you a visit to talk about the cruelty of raising a new generation of Mets fans.

Given how the rest of the night went for Nats baserunners, I’m surprised Soto wasn’t somehow thrown out at third on both home runs.

The Wizards could trade Alex Ovechkin for LeBron and kill two Wilbon birds with one non sequitur.