
He would brag about the size of the crowd carrying pitchforks and torches chasing him out of the WH, out of DC, and out of the USA entirely. “Everybody says my coup d’etat was the biggest coup d’etat in history, everybody says so.”


Maybe no?

Better than “chief knollege occifer”.

Really? Can you explain that in more detail to the fictional sister-in-law featured in my comment?

No, you’re just gullible. Don’t ever change. The NBA needs you. But also don’t think you’re a keen observer of basketball. Because, well, you’re just gullible.

You don’t score a run for getting to 3rd base. Not in baseball and not in life. So who cares? @notgabessisterinlaw

What do the Colangelo family’s various twitter feeds have to say about the Phillies this season?

The critical-injury lineup pre-dates KD. The death lineup corresponds with his arrival.

And yet none of the games has been remotely suspenseful or in doubt. It’s a real head-scratcher, for some people.

None of these games could’ve gone either way. Game 1 *could have* of course, but the refs made sure that didn’t happen and Smith let them off the hook. But GSW wasn’t going to lose at home. The others are close in the same way a cat lets a mouse think it can run away while it’s actually slowly being clawed to death.

You’re taking this way too seriously.

Believe me, LeBron did not hand-pick this Cavs team. He may have told them which players to get rid of mid-season, but he def didn’t hand-pick what they got in return.

Maybe you just don’t understand basketball. That game was never in doubt. Never. Not since the refs convened a 5-minute video review to find a way to change Durant’s charge to a LeBron block. And def not since Smith forgot the score. If the Cavs win game 4, it’ll only be because Kerr tells his team the league needs a

I think he’s projecting that if Love never gets hurt then Durant sticks with OKC and Westbrook and they beat the Warriors to get to the finals so GSW never gets that final piece of the puzzle and have to struggle every year to get past Houston and OKC, and maybe even the Spurs, although Zara Pachulia sort of took care

I do blame Olynyk for a lot of the bad things.

Watching tonight’s game, man, the suspense was killing me! Okay, I’m exaggerating. The suspense was putting me to sleep and making me wish I was dead.

[Edited to save space and to avoid duplicating information already included in the original post.]