
All true. In the moment their gloating in the face of a very well-deserved near-loss is aggravating. But it’s part of pro sports across the board. Right now, the Caps hate the Knights and vice versa, but after the final game of that series they’ll line up and shake hands and probably respect each other for the same

This morning ESPN is saying the league may suspend Tristan Thompson and Kevin Love, and that to avoid those suspensions the league would have to overlook its own rules. Apparently, Love stood up during the Thompson incident and put one foot on the court. Never approached anyone but stood took a step so by the rules

The problem is, he can’t just come out and say that publicly because the league would fine and suspend him if he called the officials garbage on TV. So he has to just play through it.

If you start to step off the curb and a bus flies past just missing turning you into a stain on the pavement, you probably wouldn’t turn to your friend and say, “Hell yes! I fucking crushed that fucking bus! Bush-bye, bus!” You’d say, “Did you fucking see that? I almost just died! Let’s go smoke some weed and buy a

The weirdest thing was watching the Warriors high-fiving and laughing as if they’d annihilated the Cavs, as if they’d done anything other than narrowly escape from a Game-1 loss at home.

Instead, because we live in an advanced technological age that apparently allows us to determine that this is definitely, indisputably a block and not a charge...

But the good news is, the officiating was just flawless! The NBA must be so proud.

How did it not occur to Snyder and Bruce Allen to blame all this on Scot McLoughan’s drinking or on Kurt Cousins’s greed? Everybody knows that’s just Modern Redskins 101.

This seems like as good a place as any to drop this:

I think it’s actually very clear. He’s saying lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt libero commodo nibh semper volutpat. Phasellus vel ante eu neque placerat sodales sit amet eget neque. Etiam aliquam massa sit amet erat laoreet, in pharetra velit fermentum. Donec semper nisl

You’re right. A lot of times the Cy Young voters choose the pitcher with 5 fewer wins, 14 fewer innings, 35 fewer strikeouts, and ranked 6th or 8th in WHIP with one less start all by the end of May. It’s only logical.

How can you say you don’t know anything about hockey with an observation like that? It’s like when the Seahawks were at the goal line in the Super Bowl and Belichick put Brady in at linebacker because why would he want a great player on the bench at a time like that?

You left out the 5 on 3 penalty kill. That was kind of important to the outcome.

So great that Tuch really gave the game to the Caps in a few different ways. The dumb penalty that gave the Caps a PP goal, screening Fleury to allow another goal, and then that missed open shot.

Jesus Christ.

That save!

The fact that she’s not dead doesn’t mean she doesn’t wish she was.