
He’s also rumored to have 3 Snapchat accounts he uses to talk shit about players on the Sixers, but nobody in the NBA front office can figure out how to use Snapchat, so investigation is going nowhere.

Profiles in Cowardice

I’m not trolling, I’m educating. And I shouldn’t have to do that on this point. Don’t thank me. Just learn a bit about the world you presumably live in. I can’t tell if you’re a bot or not.

The photos are also a pretty good indication. If someone thinks those are photos of Miami Beach, that’s really on them.

I believe you believe that.

Soros did the other one.

So, Moore is confirming that 91 are the the last 2 digits of the phone number on the three unconfirmed accounts? That seems to settle it once and for all.

Be nice. It’s not their fault they don’t know these things. No need for name-calling. If we all just encourage them a bit, they’ll probably do better next time. But thanks for the support!

Now playing

Hello, kinja. Bryan Colangelo is a normal guy, and not bizarre and he does normal things. He’s smart, not like everybody says, like dumb. He’s smart. And he deserves respect. And he’s very normal. At least that is what everyone who knows him says about him. Remember: not bizarre, but normal. Thank you. Also, I am not

Not knowing where the Bowery or the Tenderloin or Harlem or the South Side of Chicago or Beacon Hill are is not a question of cultural sophistication. It’s an ignorance of basic culture in America. Nobody should have to explain those places to readers who aren’t interested in any meighborhoods outside their own town

Their loss. The story is a microcosm of things that are happening in a lot of places, and will become more commonplace if tenants and citizens don’t stand up for themselves. You sort of have it backwards. The parochial, marrow-minded view would be that this is a “New York” story. The smarter take would be to read the

Sure, but that’s unfair to 99% of the people who don’t live in New York because they all know where the fucking Bowery is. Only a real rube doesn’t know that. And it’s in the fucking headline. Look it up if you don’t know. Don’t blame the writer for not writing a post as if it’s only going to be ready by 8-year olds,

I read the same post you did, and at no point does the author confuse or conflate evictions and orders to vacate. In your bum-rush to defend the landlords, you’re imagining verbiage that isn’t there. There’s nothing in your comment — even assuming some ron any of it is correct — that negates the thrust of this post at

Only a complete rube wouldn’t know where this is taking place from the very title of the post: “Hunger Strike On The Bowery.” Where did you think it was, Aspen?

I didn’t, but thanks for chiming in. I also didn’t mean equilibrium, equanimity, or equilateral. In case you were concerned.

Santa Claus goes to Peet’s. It’s just a fact.

This thread is actually about someone claiming people were “equating” one hit with another. No one equated them. It was a dumb comment. You seem fixated on trying very hard to defend a dumb comment, at the same time pretending you’re not defending a dumb comment.

Channing Dungey, President of ABC, issued a one-sentence statement cancelling the show over these dumb tweets, very direct and mincing no words. I don’t think she was going to put up with one more minute of RB’s dumb shit.

I didn’t “select” any definition. It was the only definition in that context, period.

It really is. Sad story overall but, like with JF*E, so much unrealized potential. The whole EP is really good, and almost completely overlooked outside of DC.