
It’s sad to see that the Milwaukee Bucks released a statement completely supporting their player on the same day that the NFL owners released a dumb new institutionalized policy that tells their players they have to support the police-sanctioned abuse and murders of black Americans

“Dykstra’s attorney, Curt Schilling, was quoted as saying, “I look forward to proving my client’s nolo contendrence in a court of law opinion, and I will be collecting food and blankets for Nails in an old truck and driving it to the side of the road somewhere in the middle of Delaware. My license plate will be

Watching Harden steal the ball from a lackadaisical KD, and later breaking Curry’s ankles in the paint, made it a game worth watching to the end. Curry had an awfully wide open shot at the buzzer and it wasn’t very close. Some of the GSW just seemed to get tired in the 4th, and they couldn’t dunk or hit a three or

If they we’re smart they’d pass a rule requiring all players to kneel during the anthem, so they could say they were turning the anthem into a prayer ceremony. Then, if a player protested by standing up, the owners could just say that player hates God and The Flag.

Ah, so “ex-gf in Charleston” is a common euphemism for porn? I didn’t realize...

That’s a good question. I would assume the hyper-morality police are out in force at that place, but who knows?

If there were any smart people left in the world of advertising, Rich Hill would definitely, and immediately, be named the new spokesperson for Frontier Airlines.

At some point, he turned to a woman sitting next to him and described being “physically excited” to visit an old girlfriend in Charleston.

I almost listed Captiva as one of the remote places but that’s both too remote and not remote enough. Also I don’t know if it survived last year’s hurricanes, tbh.

Or William Shatner. His version, with Joe Jackson, is also excellent as you probably know.

And now you can’t un-see it. It is insane that they specifically cited him for not shooting the victim in the termination letter, and then had the nerve to say it wasn’t a factor in his dismissal.

Common people like you!

What workplace environments are having the most at-work sex?

The police leadership may actually be most upset and embarrassed that none of their officers shot Brown with an actual gun. In some places, not shooting a black man who is not threatening anybody will cost a cop his or her job.

Awesome play across the board. It really looks like a pass to Ovechkin would’ve given him a wide open net, as well. And Stevenson’s pass later, to a rushing DSP from behind the net, was no slouch, either.

In hat situation it may also be a good idea to put your throat in the tiger’s jaws and let it kill you quickly.

It cost the Astros a run on the play, turning a live ball in the corner into a ground rule double so the runner on first couldn’t score. He did eventually score, but from third, not from first.

It’s why it’s legal to hit pedestrians with you car. All cars are different so it’s impossible to outlaw.

This seems like a good idea: spying on every student’s social media accounts all the time. Might need two people doing it, of course.

You’re right, of course. And some of his penalties have been penalties worth taking to stop a dangerous breakaway or whatever. But he seemed to spend a lot of time in the box last night.