

You need stars. Stars excel. If this year’s winner would’ve placed 30th in 2001, or 1992, nobody’s going to pay to see that. If nobody pays, the teams and the events don’t have money.

That’s not a counterpoint. It can all be 100% true and my comment still stands. Except the part about him being even. If someone wants to charge him with a crime, do it. Otherwise, this part of his story is over. How he lives his life from here on out is what matters from now on.

How do you think doping persists? People who don’t go along get moved out, either gently or roughly. And either way, the ones who stay in the sport can’t take the risk of the nay-sayers talking to prosecutors or drug testing groups and giving away the game. They either get paid off or told to shut up. What is probably

A lot of people feel like you do. I’m not persuaded. That’s cycling. All of this stuff goes on even today, and he’s been out of the sport for a long time. When big money is involved, people take shortcuts to gain an edge, and they don’t like it when anybody threatens their team, their position, or their income.

No, they just wanted their money back so people would know they were mad at him, too. And if they didn’t sue, people would assume they were in cahoots with him. I don’t mind the USPS suing him. It’s probably disingenuous, but they probably didn’t think they had any choice.

Great post. The only people I have much sympathy for in this story are the Frankie and Betsy Andreu. They never really understood the world or the people they were challenging until it was too late.

I saw this as it happened last night and I’d swear right before this clip starts, as part of her introduction, LaForce did preface the question in a way that made me think LeBron was already aware of the news. And he didn’t say anything like, “What? I hadn’t that, that’s terrible news.” He seemed aware and, given that

Imagine your business model being that you want the stupidest customers you can find and crossing your fingers that they’ll give you money for nothing.

It sounds a lot like ‘Pacific Heights’. Screenwriter Daniel Pyne may want to make sure his lawyer’s retainer is paid up for 2018.

I’m not a troll. I’m right. If that makes people mad, I’m unconcerned.

Haha, just think about the dumb cognitive dissonance of your dumb comment. It’s a perfect illlustration of why your opinion in this case is wrong and mine is correct.

Could you elaborate on that?

And miss out on your next dumb comment? No way.

Why would Max Read be threatening Stormy Daniels?

I love that the same person typed both of the two dumb sentences that make up your comment. And you probably think you really told me!

So many things about your comment that are untrue. It’s not always impatience. Sometimes it’s about preventing things from getting more serious and more people from getting hurt (in this case, including the naked student). If you believe any use of physical force, even as a preventive measure, is assault in a criminal

Sure you can. You could tase them. Would that make you feel better?

I don’t have a problem with it. I don’t have a problem with that student taking drugs, either, but that doesn’t mean I think he should take drugs. Life is not as simple as you seem to think it is.

I’m guessing you think that’s a devastating comeback. Try harder.