
The content was stupid. The grammar was just another indication that the writer of the content is also stupid.

My problem here isn’t with dropping acid. I like acid. My problem is that someone in his condition is highly likely to hurt himself or someone else, however innocent his intentions. We’ve all known the kid who couldn’t handle a drug experience and how nobody taking control of that person has ended very badly. In this

You’re making a lot of good points. But my argument wouldn’t be that the police did something terrible in this case. It would be that what they did here is how they should handle this case regardless of who the naked guy might be. If you’re saying in NC that naked white students tripping in the middle of a median

I didn’t say they should. I just said they frequently will, and in this case they didn’t do anything so bad. You’re projecting arguments because you’re mad. But in time you’ll see I’m right.

You seem mad. It’s making you type dumb comments.

That’s such a dumb comment. Are you reading your own comments before you hit “Publish”? They’re embarrassing.

Ah, okay. I think most of the people arguing about this story would agree with you. Which is really the problem with most of their arguments.

Sorry, but I don’t think tackling this guy before he runs into traffic and hitting him a few times so they could subdue him and get him to safety is a bad outcome. As I’ve said elsewhere, he could be dead this morning a hundred different ways even if the police had never shown up. He’s alive this morning and I hope

How are you so stupid? Who said he was the biggest threat? If he was the biggest threat they would’ve shot him. They knocked him down, got him under control and arrested him.

Okay. Who cares? Not me. That just tells everyone that your “concern” in this case is fabricated. You’re not remotely interested in anyone’s safety.

Good point. Your grasp of the facts in this situation is every bit as strong as you grammar, your spelling, and your punctuation. But I hope you’re looking forward to entering sixth grade next year.

Easy to laugh at until he steps in front of a car and gets badly injured and does even more damage to a driver who did nothing wrong, other than hitting a tripping naked goofball who stepped off the curb thinking he’s Ironman or something. Glad you wish that had been the outcome instead, and it’s very telling that you

I think 90% of the people in the world would tell you he’s a threat. That’s an easy call. You have to really contort your comprehension of reality to think he isn’t likely to step out into traffic or go after some stranger on the street. I think your bizarre idea that your eyes see a gentle soul out for an evening

You’re an imbecile. I suppose they could’ve shot him, sure. They also could’ve shot him with 50,000 volts. Would that make you feel better? Jesus Christ.

Who said he’s not a threat? You? That’s ridiculous. He’s a threat to traffic and to any bystander he gets close to. It’s actually funny that you think he was no threat to anyone.

Yes, it is. Letting them wander into traffic or assault a bystander is much worse. They gave him a chance to go quietly. He elected not to do that. And if you say he wasn’t in any frame of mind to make that decision, well, there’s your answer. They knocked him down, hit him a couple of times, and took him away. Nobody

Because they need to get your dumb ass off the street and you’re ignoring their instructions. At a certain point they’re past helping you and on to the task of clearing you off the street before you run into traffic or attack a bystander.

Haha. You sound like a typical Harvard student.

In most of these stories the police are shown overreacting or even initiating the conflict. But, just as a general rule, most people know, LSD or not (and the local news reported Ohene was said to be tripping at the time), if you get naked and walk down the median of a busy street at night, police are going to tackle