
The two boys are like, “Meh, it’s a Caps puck. Whatever.” The girl is lucky the puck-toss game didn’t go into overtime or she would’ve had the puck she got taken away from her by a stranger from out of town, never to be seen again.

It’s like he held a yard sale where he sold the car, the kitchen appliances, the living room furniture, the beds, the roof shingles, and the deed to the house for a total of $87.38, and afterwards he tells his wife, “We’ve gotta get some stuff in this house and put a roof on it after we buy a new car, because then

Governor Rick Snyder will probably find this so galling and appalling that he’ll promote John Engler and use the money the state saved on providing drinking water to residents of Flint in order to give Engler a nice raise. Maybe, oh I don’t know, $250,000?

...this will be San Diego’s third all-sports station, along with The Mighty 1090 AM and XTRA 1360 AM.

Well, nobody outside of Allegheny County ever wants to see the Penguins win anything. It’s just how it is.

Probably a stretch, and I know probably Calgary and Edmonton are closer, but I wonder if the Humboldt junior hockey team bus crash hasn’t made all Canadians, but especially in central Canada, even more ratcheted up for the NHL playoffs than normal. They could use some good news even as the toll of the crash continues

No, no, I genuinely liked all the replies and appreciate everybody who took the time to comment. Thanks for adding to the discussion. It’s great to learn this stuff from people who know.

You sort of buried the lede:

Thats why they don’t call him André the Hero.

Watch them both.

But then I’d shout, “Chair! Ottoman! Pillow! Coffee table!” And they wouldn’t know what to hit me with.


Maybe he’s got company in the Freaking-Out Department:

But, man, I swear Gaelic Football could make big money in the US if someone had broadcast rights. It’s an amazing thing to watch.

I’d seen the defense counsel’s appalling response to the verdict when it happened, but this is a great explanation of the facts and the implications of the case. Thanks for posting this.

Per The Independent:

That sounds so shitty. Thanks for the tip!

Ix-nay on the Arl-cay!