
And remember, fans: next Sunday is “Bring Out Your Dead Day” at Marlins Park. Bring the family, including any recently deceased relatives. They may never want to leave!

And the dead bodies left over from previous games that the Marlins just never bothered to have removed.

I forgot about that. Classic.

We may be brothers-in-law and not even realize it! Except, no way I could ever remember the numbers I caused other people to forget.

That’s a perfectly sensible reaction.

Well, I say that about the outer boroughs, so you can just imagine what I think of St. Louis.

In the British Virgin Islands no less!

Even today, one of my favorite pastimes is when someone is counting something or trying to remember a phone number by saying it out loud and I just start randomly saying numbers to mess them up. If someone nearby had the codes to disarm an in-flight nuclear weapon and they started reciting it to NORAD or someplace

Evidently you did not bother to watch the riveting, no-holds-barred investigative journalism on display last night from one Tucker Carlson. He addresses your sad misinformation head-on.

Despite the ‘announced attendance’ I seriously doubt anything close to 7,003 people were inside that stadium last night.

True, but there’s no one interstate that runs from Milwaukee to St. Louis. Eisenhower must’ve assumed nobody would ever want to go from either of those cities to the other one for any reason. Which makes sense, but does mess up my comment so I’m glad Ike is dead.

There’s a job opening down I-55 at a Sinclair station if he needs it!

Great, now I want pancakes.

They’d be better off signing Elizabeth Perkins.

Good find.

Some people apparently don’t want the stink on them, but they don’t realize it’s way too late.

I think that quote was made on Ari Melber’s show several days before the multi-show news tour day.

A stopped watch off its meds can still be right 2 or 17 times a day.

Odell Beckham Jr responded by noting that Ray Lewis has “removed Jacinth Baker and Richard Lollar from his life. And theirs.”

Reminds me of the time Tina Fey read the weeding announcement for Kid Rock and Pam Anderson on Weekend Update and she added, “The happy couple are registered at the CDC.”